The SleepTalk® Process – The Basics


Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $25.00.

This SleepTalk® recording normally accompanying our book.  For further assistance with more advanced childhood challenges.

If not purchased with the accompanying book, we do highly recommend reaching out to fully accredited SleepTalk® Consultant or a Foundation Coach, to provide further assistance and the underpinning knowledge associated with this life changing process.



Celebrating 50 years of assisting families. 

This is the audio file that accompanies our  book, as an MP3 – it is not an audio of the entire book, but enough to get you started. (27 minutes duration)

If you present The SleepTalk® Process – Phase 1 consistently each and every evening for a minimum of 3 months, comply with the suggestions (don’t change anything) and are committed to the process – change will occur.

The SleepTalk® Process (formally called SleepTalk® for Children) was developed in the 1970s, empowers parents to improve and balance their child’s behaviour.

The dramatic positive change and calmness it creates permeate throughout the entire family. It’s for parents looking for a simple, non-intrusive way to develop a child’s emotional resilience, building the mind’s firewall, protecting it against negative suggestions.

It’s been called: “The two minute gift with changes that last a lifetime.”

It’s easy to learn, and takes parents only two – three minutes at bedtime, and it cannot be done wrong. It’s absolutely safe, ethical and positive.

Parents and healthcare professionals have called the process a powerful self-help program which parents and childcare professionals have been using for more than 50 years.

They endorse it because it WORKS, helping to reduce anxiety and stress, developing a positive self-confidence, empowering children to manage, improve and balance their behaviour, anxiety and relationships.