Frequently Asked Questions About The SleepTalk® Process

What is SleepTalk®?

The SleepTalk® process is your solutions, it takes no more than two minutes of your day and lasts a lifetime for your child. It easy to learn and empowers parents to allow their children to thrive, reduces stress and household tension.

The SleepTalk® Process is an alternative and substance-free self-help process for parents coping with a challenging child.  Sometimes a lack of knowledge, assistance, and/or family support can cause parents to doubt their parenting abilities, feel misunderstood and on a merry-go-round of endless consultations and dead ends.

This process is about presenting a substance-free, safe, non-intrusive and ethical process for parents to use in the safety and comfort of their own home while their child or children are asleep and it’s easy to apply.

The process helps to develop your child’s emotional resilience because all children benefit from developing a positive and confident sense of self. This occurs without disturbing the sleeping child and allows them to awaken in the morning with a more positive mindset.

Imagine, what ever your children throw at you, being in total control, stress free and able to enjoy your parenting journey.

Positive change can start to become apparent after only a few weeks of implementing the process. SleepTalk® succeeds and has some similarities to the now known work that Dr. Norman Doidge called ‘Neuroplasticity’, where over time the brain can change and develop new pathways leading to new behaviours.

Discover this easy solution

The first phase of our process can be learnt direct from our Books, E-books,  or one of our Foundation Coaches.

The more advance phases are supported by our Fully Accredited Professional  Consultants.

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Contact one of our  SleepTalk® Professionals listed on our  International Register today.


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How can I learn more about the Process?

Parents, carers and professionals are welcome to learn more about the process in one of our “” Unlocking Your Childrens Full Potential” Webinars.

These one-hour sessions, allow parents to

  • Discover this easy solution to stress-free, fun filled days.
  • Learn the History of the SleepTalk® Process
  • How The Three Phases of the Process improve, correct and manage children’s challenges.
  • Why the process works so effectively with all children aged from 2 to 16 yrs.

How can I become a SleepTalk® Parent?

The SleepTalk® Process can be taught online or face-to-face to parents or carers by one of our accredited consultants or coaches.  Please see our international register.

Or you can also purchase one of the books, Ebooks, or audios.

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If you prefer, parents and carers, can begin Phase One with one of our Foundation Coaches to learn the first stage of the process.  (Phase 1) 

For more specific issues, such as improving unacceptable behaviour, attitudes or poor social development issues with children, parents can reach out for assistance with the Bridging Statements (Phase 2) and  the Specific Statements (Phase 3) of the SleepTalk® Process  to an accredited SleepTalk® Consultant.

Is it safe?

The process is safe, ethical and positive. It builds on the underlying self-esteem of the child resulting in behaviour changes and the process is non-intrusive.

What kind of results can I expect?

Your child will have more emotional confidence, resilience against negative suggestions and will be happier, thus leading to happier families.

How can I get more information about the process?

I’ve bought the book so do I need to contact a SleepTalk® consultant?

Great that you have bought the book, both our online parents’ tutorials, our books & workbooks are all designed to get you started on Phase 1 of our process.

Phase 1 is our foundation & if done correctly will improve children’s general happiness, well being, self-esteem and confidence. So we hope you have enjoyed the process and have seen good positive changes with your children’s happiness, self esteem and  resilience levels. 

However to move into correcting or addressing more advanced challenges with our Phase 2 & 3 stages, guidance from an accredited SleepTalk® consultant will assist with the continued application of the process.

It’s important to realise that following the specific directions and consistency in facilitating the process is very important.

The assistance of a consultant helps the family with the ongoing development and selection of the primary areas of need, developing specific statements and the continued commitment can continue to address the more major and difficult challenges children face. 

So we always recommend reaching out to our international register for further assistance if required.  We do host an International Register of our Accredited SleepTalk Consultants.

How do I know my  SleepTalk® Professional is Accredited and Qualified?

All members listed on our International Register are accredited  SleepTalk® Professionals  have signed a professional code of practice, have appropriate registration and updated current qualifications. They  have committed to ongoing professional development, updating their skills and keeping abreast of best practises in our organisations.

Unfortunately there will always be some individuals who will lay falsely claim or allegiance to our organisation. Therefore it is always best to view our International Register or contact us at the International SleepTalk Training Academy  for confirmation. 

So if the professional, you are researching is not listed here – they are not accredited nor governed by our strict code of professional ethics, do not have permission to be using our IP and SleepTalk®  practices or up-skilled training. 

Do not be mislead, reach out to the us today at the International SleepTalk® Training Academy  for further clarification or visit our international register today.. 


Does it matter if only one parent does SleepTalk®?

The Process is less effective if only one parent is involved but, only marginally. It would be more efficient if both parents were involved as that balances the energy of the male/female, Mum and Dad components within your child’s perception.

Your child receives their basic self-image, self-worth and sense of balance from both parents and it is most important for the well-being of that child to have a sense of acceptance and love from both.

Because it’s important for both parents to be involved with the consistent presentation of the SleepTalk® suggestions, your child may have some concerns when one parent is absent for a short while.

The absent parent may consider recording the process to be played once the transference has occurred. Your child will then have the benefit of the parent’s voice until they return.

How would you describe the child who awakens very easily, has difficulty going to sleep, or is often awake throughout the night?

Very anxious. The SleepTalk® Process should be able to help but it may be difficult the first week or so to actually access the deep subconscious mind. Your child may be fitful or have difficulty going to sleep, or possibly wakes up easily.

If you persist in your SleepTalk® process your child will gain a sense of confidence, the anxiety will be reduced each time you use The SleepTalk®Process because you will be reinforcing their basic self-image and a belief that “it’s OK” and hopefully you’ll get a good night’s sleep eventually!

By reducing the state of anxiety you compound the amount of suggestion given and accepted by that child. Very gradually, creating a new positive belief system and self-image. A distressed or anxious child will gradually accept the positive suggestions.

A quiet and anxiety-free state of mind will develop and gradually they will become more and more able to accept the suggestions. Remember, you can never eliminate a memory, but you can add to it, alter or change the energy of that memory.

As you create a compounding effect with a positive suggestion it will eventually become more powerful than the “negative” effect of the “I’m not OK” belief structure.

Would all children benefit from this process?

Most children have problems, so yes would be my answer; some parents often say, but my child doesn’t have any problems, however, sometimes children don’t share them with anyone, especially not with their parents.

I know I didn’t share my problems with my parents and I think many children in this day and age are the same. One of the main advantages or additional aspects of applying this process is the education that the parents gain about the use of positive language.

The downstream ramifications of change that occurs within the family unit can be quite profound as the process commences to be taken on board.

You talk about negative statements that parents sometimes say. What would you say are some of the worst examples that parents sometimes say to their children?

Most parents that I’ve talked to, admit that sometimes they say things to their child that they don’t mean or later regret saying. And according to American psychotherapist Antonia Van Der Meer, a parent’s temporary loss of control may unfortunately mean permanent heartache for the child.

Van Der Meer states that sometimes when parents come home tired and irritable and discover their daughter or son has again left their books for homework at school, even the most understanding parent may find themselves blurting: “How can you be so stupid?  When are you going to learn to think?”

Or perhaps when taking the children on holiday and all they do is fight with each other, even the most patient parent might ask aloud: “Why did I ever have children”?

He suggests that all parents are bound to lose control occasionally – and lose sight of the fact that their words can make a child feel wounded, rejected or unloved.

Whether menacing, negative or hostile statements are said intentionally or just slip out, the result is always the same: you feel temporarily relieved perhaps, but real damage may be done to your little one’s self-esteem and the bond of trust between you both.

It’s important to recognise – and resist – saying hurtful things. A parent must learn to handle their own anger and frustration in order to teach a child how to behave.

You know as parents we have all made mistakes when communicating, especially to our children. We all need to learn from those mistakes, forgive ourselves, take the learning, leave the negative memory behind, and just move on.

I always explain that it’s never too late to learn and that this process gives parents a second chance to redefine the basic self-image of their child and create, if you like, a positive belief in place of previously accepted negative ones.

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It sounds to me that this process empowers parents to rectify some of those negative suggestions or situations. Would this be correct?

Absolutely, and from the moment of birth and now ,professionals believe, before birth, thoughts, feelings, reactions, and memories are registered in the deep subconscious mind and those memories, with the accompanying thoughts, feelings, emotions and reactions will last for life.

Suggestions and auto-suggestions are very powerful when given to a child, especially by someone in authority over them, so parents have a major role in ensuring that their child develops during their early years a positive mindset.

What areas of behaviour management can this process assist children with? For example, can it assist Autism or the controversial Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)?

Absolutely, the spectrum is actually very wide and registered SleepTalk® consultants around the world are indicating positive results with a wide range of behaviour disorders. Health issues, dealing with education, stress or anxiety are just some of them.

Especially children diagnosed with Autism or Autism Spectrum disorders actually do appear to be responding well to the process. The labels ‘Asperger’s’ and ‘Autism’ seem to be very prevalent at the moment and some of the case histories that I’m receiving are reporting major changes in the children’s social skills and behavioural management which is very rewarding.

Another area that is sometimes described as a controversial diagnosis by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders which o is the DSM is  Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).

This disorder is sometimes described as an ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behaviour toward authority figures which goes beyond the bounds of normal childhood behaviour.

Children who have it may appear very stubborn and angry. The SleepTalk® Process  does appear to be able to assist this area of anxiety. Certainly the ones that I’ve had the pleasure of working with have reported an excellent response with positive changes.

Common features of ODD, include excessive, often persistent anger, frequent temper tantrums or angry outbursts, and disregard for authority. Children and adolescents with this disorder often annoy others on purpose, blame others for their mistakes, and are easily annoyed.

Parents often observe more rigid and defiant behaviours than in siblings and the child may appear resentful of others and when someone does something they don’t like they often take revenge on them.

And in order for a child or adolescent to qualify for a diagnosis of ODD these behaviours must cause considerable distress for the family and/or interfere significantly with academic or social functioning.

One of the benefits of the SleepTalk® Process is the downstream ramifications of change that end up creating change for the entire family. Calmness replaces anger and frustration, co-operation replaces oppositional defiance.

You mentioned before that positive results with a wide range of behaviour disorders are being achieved with SleepTalk®, such as issues dealing with education, stress and anxiety. Tell me about those.

Positive feedback over the past 40 years has been received, some of which is posted on the home website, especially issues dealing with aggression, behaviour management, stress, fear, anxiety and trauma also.

The process is particularly helpful when dealing with issues around education and study, co-operation and concentration. Health issues also respond in a positive manner, such as asthma, bed-wetting, nail-biting and speech. It also covers and assists families concerned about sibling rivalry and negative communications.

Professor Ian E. Brighthope, a very prominent expert based in Australia, has suggested that this process should be adopted by all parents. He has described it as a sensible, practical and easy-to-follow method of communicating important messages to the subconscious mind.

He considers it especially useful for affecting changes to children’s behaviour. He suggests that educators and health professionals consider SleepTalk® in the management of all disorders in which the mind plays a significant role.

The process has been described as the 2-minute gift with changes that lasts a lifetime. Because it’s important for parents to realise that: “It is not what we leave to our children that matters, it’s what we leave within their minds”.

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You say the process helps create emotional health. Tell me more.

Emotional health in childhood, in my opinion, ‘is the key to future happiness’. In Australia, a national paper, The Observer reported that Lord Richard Layard, Emeritus professor of economics at the London School of Economics (LSE), and his colleagues at the Wellbeing research program at the LSE Centre conclude that a child’s emotional health is far more important to their satisfaction levels as an adult than other factors.

He further states that: “Emotional health in childhood is the key to future happiness.” The LSE study suggests that: “ money, success and good grades are less important.”

Society tells us that education is important; however emotional intelligence and resilience are equally essential for our children. This education and intelligence really start with babies in the womb who are listening and feeling everything that the mother feels and this can impact healthy brain and body development.

How can we have peace in the world without having peaceful happy children? A substance/drug-free process taking only 2 minutes a night can help not only your child but also educate parents, who are the catalyst to ensure children develop with a positive mindset.

The process introduces an alternative substance-free model (without contraindications) and educates parents as well as assisting children. Behavior modification and the development of alternative strategies are developed during sleep, assisting with communication and family dynamics.

During sleep the physiological change from a state of deep sleep to wakefulness is reversible and mediated by the reticular activating system (RAS). Research published in ‘Current Biology’ studies show: “that complex stimuli can not only be processed while we sleep but that this information can be used to make decisions, similarly as when we’re awake.”

This 2 minute per night process that parents can offer, reduces anxiety, helps communication and develops positive behaviour modification.



How To Remove the Concerns And Headaches Of Parenting

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“Live” Webinar “Unlocking your child’s Full Potential”


a Recorded Webinar ” How to Remove Concerns And Headaches of Parenting And Build A Strong Bond With Your Child”  



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Please note, only authentic SleepTalk® trainers, consultants, and foundation coaches are listed on the International SleepTalk Training Academy’s International Register and have undertaken stringent training, professional development to stay accredited and hold currency protocols and been given legal permission to utilise our IP, products and services.