Homework Issues

Just an update!


I was messaging with mom and she can’t believe what a difference she’s seeing, she’s almost wondering if it’s for real! here is what she said “He actually woke up and started getting ready for school… I swear to GOD that child has never woke up in the morning… and has gotten ready for school in his 15 little years of life.


I swear normally I have to yell at him 10 times before he wakes up and he moves like a turtle… I don’t know if it’s the The Goulding Process – SleepTalk or what…” and then “and when I got home from work last night he was sitting at the kitchen table doing HOMEWORK and that is rare


He even showed me his Math work and when I walked in I was a bit stressed and I looked at him and it clicked and ‘S’ [her daughter 18 yrs. old] comes running in saying geez you haven’t done that since the 3rd grade… it was just so weird!!”




 SleepTalk® (Intern) Consultant Dana US – 2014

Handwriting improvement

Consultant feedback:


I just got a lovely feedback from one of the ladies who attended a presentation I gave a few months ago.


She applied the 5 magic sentences and as a result, her child had been much calmer and also, started to hand write much better, “very beautiful”.


Another sweet effect of the Goulding Process – SleepTalk!


SleepTalk® Accredited Consultant – Eugen Popa – Romania 2014

Improvement at school and in sport

Consultant report: Parents used the Goulding Procress – SleepTalk™  for both their children, their son aged 9 and their daughter aged 6, to improve their confidence. I worked with ‘E’ on her own. However, she taught her husband the process and they took turns in doing the nightly routine. ‘E’ sent me this case history

My 9 year old son has loved his kickboxing class ever since he was 3. His natural perfectionist tendencies meant that he progressed so quickly, advanced so far through his grades, and did so well in competitions that he was moved up to a class for older children.

He then suddenly lost his confidence in sparring with children who were bigger, stronger and had longer reach. He started getting upset, crying, panicking and freaking out when fights did not go his way and he was clearly losing his love of the sport.

I approached Paola for help and we began using SleepTalk™ in August this year specifically working on his confidence in sparring. After 4 weeks the changes were evident: He was more confident in his training, the panicking and freaking out stopped and he cried a lot less.

There were other noticeable changes in his general level of confidence: He was less afraid of spiders and crane flies (which had previously disturbed him) and at a museum trip he stunned us all by volunteering to hold a tarantula in front of 250 people.

His creativity and confidence in his studies improved and he soared to the top of his class where he has remained. He became more assertive and courageous in other areas: willingly going into shops on his own and launching himself off a huge zip-wire without hesitation.

Within 8 weeks of starting the Goulding Process-  SleepTalk™ his sparring had significantly improved. Two incidents around this time highlighted the change: After being punched whilst sparring with a 20 year old he started to cry but quickly responded when his coach to ‘stop crying and get angry’ and went on to win the next three rounds.

His coach commented that he had never seen him fight with such speed and commitment and asked “What have your parents been doing – giving you ox blood for breakfast?” In early December he was awarded a special badge with the words ‘Sparring Champion’ on it for being the ‘most improved’ in sparring. He is now asking us to enter him in national competitions.

I should mention that in line with Paola’s recommendations we simultaneously used The Goulding Process- SleepTalk™ for our 6 year old daughter whose teacher had told us that she needed more confidence in speaking and performing in front of other people.

With Paola’s help we tailored our suggestions to this need and again the changes were noticeable. She has since started piano lessons (something she previously resisted) and loves them, joined a performing dance group and volunteered for a speaking part in the Nativity play where she coped brilliantly when, at the last minute, she was given additional lines to cover for another child.

I have no doubt that The Goulding Process- SleepTalk™ has produced amazing results for both of my children in a few short months. They have both gained in confidence and ability and are clearly getting more out life.

The Goulding Process- SleepTalk™ has also improved our relationship with the children and each other. The two minutes of love that we give them every night offsets the usual stresses and careless remarks of the day and re-aligns us all to our true feelings for each other. It is a beautiful practice and one that I will continue as long as it remains beneficial.

Parent Feedback – ST Consultant: Paola Bagnell – 2014 UK

Children who have been abused

Parent’s personal story received from an accredited consultant.

I am a single mum of 3 very active boys, and I began using sleep talk with my 2 youngest children aged 7 & 10 four months ago.  My 13 year old was proving to be more difficult to use the technique on, but I began a modified approach of turning a light on instead of stroking his face about 6 weeks ago, and I have noticed a marked improvement in all my childrens’ behaviour as a result.

My children unfortunately have grown up in a family environment that involved emotional abuse and at times verbal and physical abuse from their father.  After 2 &1/2 years post separation, and my children only seeing their father every second weekend, their behaviour was still a copy of their father’s, as they had grown up for many years seeing how he behaved.

They were highly anxious, and pretty much anything could trigger a violent explosion of rage which involved physical abuse to me or their brothers or destruction of property, including holes in walls, doors and a smashed window. They were having massive tantrums that were uncontrollable, and they needed to be physically restrained for them to stop. It was an exhausting cycle for all.

Throughout the post separation, my children all attended regular counselling and my eldest son is seeing a psychologist who specializes in children who are violent to their parents. They were getting a lot of support, but they still communicated on a level where they deliberately ‘baited’ each other, which always ended in some form of abuse between each other, and at times me.

I was finding it extremely difficult to break the cycle of abuse they had learned, and how to teach them to use a new type of communication that involved; respect, thoughtfulness and kindness. My psychologist recommended me to Nicola Lane as my 2 youngest sons were still bed wetting, and she had heard from Nicola that she had successful reports of treating this issue.

When I met Nicola she discussed “The Goulding Process – SleepTalk®” with me. I had never heard of it, but thought if I could reduce the general level of anxiety in our house hold, as well as curing the bed wetting then it was worth a shot.

At first I noticed a slow change in the feel of the household, whilst beginning the process, and I can confidently say that today I have quiet moments in our house where my children are content in their own space, without trying to ‘get a reaction’ from someone.

My children are now able to communicate to me and each other using respectful language and the general ‘angst’ in the household has been significantly reduced.

Whilst my 2 youngest still bed wet, I have noticed that the amount of urine produced over night is significantly less, which is an improvement that I have not had consistently in the past. I am confident that will settle over time, with the continual use of sleep talk.

It’s my eldest son that I have noticed such a marked improvement in, in such a short time. He has a new found general level of respect for me, and follows instructions without a constant barrage of excuses and stalling  behaviour. Given his teen age moods are beginning it’s a blessing.

My middle son suffered from high levels of anxiety, which inhibited his learning process at school. His spelling in particular improved, so that within 3 months he had stopped needing special assistance and a lower level of literacy work sheets, he moved up to the same level as the rest of the class, which increased his self-esteem immensely.

I know I have implemented a lot of strategies over the past few years, but it is my firm belief that Sleep Talk has both complemented and hastened the outcome I have been trying so hard to achieve.

I have even gone on to receive hypnotherapy sessions myself, as I recognised that my past trauma was surfacing when my children became abusive, and I wasn’t able to react in a manner that was always the most effective. A lot of time I would simply freeze and/or shut down when my children physically abused me. That no longer happens, and my children now are receiving a different reaction from me when they become abusive.

I find the words in ‘The Goulding Process – SleepTalk®’ to be really comforting to me when I read them to my boys. In the early days when my boys became agitated I would say the first few lines to them and by the 3rd time they would start to relax in my arms. The words were soothing to them and for me using them, to help reduce their personal anguish.

I would highly recommend ‘Sleep Talk’ to any parent. In my opinion it helps a family function in a healthy manner, fostering love between all members and depending on the ‘support statements’ used, it can be a highly effective way to modify beliefs, and accordingly behaviour that stems from those beliefs.

Whilst the process does require commitment from the parent to do it on a regular basis and you do need to keep track of bed times, it is well worth the energy, and you will be rewarded over and over with the resulting change to your children.

Compared to some of the challenges I have dealt with, using The Goulding Process- Sleep Talk has been remarkably easy, and my commitment to it has given my family at times a new found sense of peace, love and calmness, that has been sadly lacking in our lives for a very long time.

Accredited and registered consultant:  Nicola Lane – Australia 2012– Nicola Lane – Australia.

Education / Behaviour / Confidence


Parent Feedback:  “I had read about SleepTalk® and felt that my 10-year-old son would greatly benefit from it and found that the process fitted easily into our routine as a family. We have always remained dedicated to keeping the process part of the night-time routine as our consultant advised that this was important.

We found that there was ‘feedback’ within a matter of days as my son began getting up in the morning for school in a really good mood, with plenty of energy.   Other results included the fact that my son’s teacher and head teacher noted that he had been writing more in his written work and also that he was more confident with his math’s – even asking to come in at playtime to do his math’s work!

The behaviour change that had led to this improvement in the classroom – he was now beginning to feel self-confident – also meant that he didn’t feel the need to behave in an attention-seeking manner, which could be seen as disruptive.

As my son became more confident and self-assured, it was noticeable that he began to socialise better with his peers, and the best example of this is that he began to be invited to more parties.   And we are now presenting some specific ‘suggestions’ as my son is working through important exams.

We have truly found that Goulding Process- SleepTalk® has been a tool that has been easy to fit into our routine and one that has made a huge difference to our family’s life.  There is no doubt that the program is “working”.  When my son said: “Mum, everything has been great since 3 weeks ago!”

He didn’t quite know why it was – but we knew. It was 3 weeks prior to this, that we had started the SleepTalk® program!   We continue to work with this process now and I would highly recommend it to any parent of any child. The results really do speak for themselves.”

Past Accredited Goulding SleepTalk Consultant:  Jenny Harrison – UK


Nail Bitting – Eating – Education – Calmness.

After 8 weeks of the The Goulding Process- SleepTalk® Foundations Phase was strictly followed everyday alternatively between both parents where huge improvements has taken place as follows: 

Although eating wasn’t a major concern, his eating habits showed obvious improvement. His motor skills has improved massively to the extent that the mother forgot there was this concern in the first place and when I drew her attention she answered that he walks perfectly well and I didn’t notice anything not normal anymore. His basketball coach is complicating his performance now and his ability to achieve goals in the game.

His study and homework time became no problem at all as the mother herself came more relaxed and was able to give choices and empathise with her son with the ability to choose her battles. 

He is doing his homework very well and that put more confidence in the mothers heart toward the capabilities of her son. He became highly confident in class, reporting bullying cases and no more acting out in class. 

Teachers also commented that his is now a happy child. His ability to stay calm become more sustained and he manages very well to control his anger after a very short period of time. His relationship with his parents became stronger and empathetic and his relationship with his little sister is full of lots of play time. 

As the nail biting was clearly a sign of anxiety and before being a habit so I introduced an additional primary statement: Just after one week this statement made a great difference with the parents, especially the father as he was participating in the Goulding Process 0 SleepTalk® regularly and it was healing for him as well.

 The parents also reported stronger bonding with their son, who has starting to express himself more frequent rather than being so introvert and they were glad to talk about emotions and feelings rather than avoiding them.

Consultant: NT – UAE 2017


Home and School Issues.

“Observation of ‘J’ includes he has improved in all areas at home and at school . Parents declined to do another Assessment as they felt just speaking the words from the Foundation programme helped even though it was not consistent.” 

Past Accredited Goulding Sleeptalk  Trainer:  Marilyn Colvin Boon. Qld 2013


Education and Nail Bitting.

“The mother reports that there has been significant overall improvement for ‘Y’.  He is showing more life in his day to day activities. His Maths have improved, he is better in managing his stress from school work without throwing temper at doing difficult Maths.   

There is an improvement in his confidence regarding Study and he has proved to himself that he can do better.  Being able to overcome his carelessness at study has helped to boost his confidence in it. However his writing has declined by 15% but this is due to the new demands at school as they have started writing compositions and he is adjusting to this new demand. 

He has stopped nail biting totally and his day to day happiness has improved by 50%. He is seemingly happier and was able to remain calm and control his emotions, in particularly his anger better. His ability to work alone: Improved by 40%.  

He is learning to do his homework / spelling without supervision.  He is also able to play on his own and take interest in reading his books on his own.  His behaviour towards Parents has improved 30%.  There are less tension over school work and he is now more willing to listen and learn when I teach or guide him through certain issues.  


I realised that not only his behaviour is now better towards me, I feel that I no longer get angry with him as often as in the past.  We are now able to talk things out. 

The end results:  I am very pleased with the results.  During this short span of 6 months, many of my pressing concerns were resolved.  Namely nail biting, carelessness with schoolwork, improving focus or concentration at school, being able to sit still at dining table to finish his meals.  My son is now not only able to finish all his food during meal time, he is able to finish his meal with lesser time.”   

Past Accredited Goulding Sleeptalk Consultant: Kilyn Liong – Singapore 2018


Heading: School, Behavior and Education.

“The parents feedback is that they can see a substantial difference and ‘P’ is already about 60% more positive going to school. The biggest change seems to be the behavior at school though, where the feedback is that ‘P’ has turned into a very lively student, when before the feedback has often been that she needs to speak up more.

Conclusion: The parents both feel the changes with ‘P’ and her feedback is now positive. She goes to her little brother when he cries telling him: “all feelings are ok!” Let’s see what the next couple of weeks will bring but this looks promising to me. 

Trusting the mum’s gut feeling on what the message needs to address payed off again. I loved the fact that mum was looking at the root cause of the effects. The result seems to prove us right. I am happy that ‘P’ found her confidence again.”

Past Accredited Goulding Sleeptalk Consultant – Cornelia Dahinten – Zurich 2019


Physical Issues and Education.

“After completing the mind profile questionnaire, it was great to see that ‘N’ had made improvements over the last 6 weeks.  The parents noted that particularly the negative self-talk had reduced and that ‘N’ was much better at homework now that school has gone back, in fact he was now asking to do homework.  

Working alone is still an issue and  I reminded the parent that ‘N’ now has more skills and they may need to give him the opportunity to use some of them rather than continue to scaffold him to such a great extent.  The parent agreed that this was probably the case and said he would trial giving him some tasks to complete on his own whilst loosely supervising him.

The parent noted an improvement in ‘N’ gross and fine motor skills and there was improvement in his core strength.  His concentration has also improved and this was assisting in his ability to do his school work and homework and he has also been more spontaneous showing affection to his parents.

Primary Area of Need

‘N’ was a lot calmer since the introduction of The Goulding Process- SleepTalk® and his anger was also improving, and his self-esteem had also improved.  The primary area of need for ‘N’ was around managing his anger and associated emotions.  

We felt that if he was able to remain calm and understand what was happening within him, he would be better able to respond to his environment. Suggestions were selected to reinforce the need for ‘N’ to remain calm and to further reinforce that he has the answers within himself

End Result

‘N’ has made great progress with The Goulding Process SleepTalk®.  It’s been a very slow and steady change and his parents are very supportive of the process and they have really noticed the changes within him.  

I feel that ’N’ needs the additional time to full understand and digest the suggestions embedded within the Goulding Process – SleepTalk® but that once he’s taken it on, it will penetrate and resonate quite strongly with him.  His parents expect to continue The Goulding Process – SleepTalk® for some time yet as they feel that we can make some great progress over the next few months and years.

Past Accredited Consultant: Mary Lynch NSW 2011



Parents Feedback: “Very positive feedback as ‘A’ has changed school without any problem. He loves his new class. All marks are in the positive range now, great eating habits and he can handle his emotions, stopped nail chewing.

 ‘A’ has moved from a problematic and annoying behaviour pattern to a much more sociable, more patient state in general, with a lot of good feedback from the elementary school teachers. 

The parents are calm now, less stress at home. The process has changed their attitudes too to ‘A’.  They are satisfied with the decision changing school as he is more open and able to communicate his feelings.”

Accredited Consultant and Trainer: Marianne Lampert.  Hungary 2014


“Despite not completing all areas of this case study, I do believe ‘C’ made progress. Her confidence with doing her homework improved and she was attempting it independently. At school she was more resilient in dealing with things that in the past would have upset her.


‘C’ made some good decisions at school, where she asserted herself in a positive confident way. A much more confident and less anxious child than when we started the Goulding Process – SleepTalk® 


Accredited Goulding SleepTalk Consultant: Marian Daish – Victoria 2017



Improvement on learning ability and more loving towards people around and has stop the nail biting and skin tearing issues. He deals separation anxiety better now and can accept the father leaving him for work. 

Sibling rivalry has also improved and the younger daughter is more understanding and negotiable. The mother said it has been very challenging for her to keep up with The Goulding Process SleepTalk® every day. It needs a lot of perseverance and consistent.  

Past Accredited Goulding SleepTalk Consultant Jen Li Soo – Singapore 2018



Mum is generally very pleased with the signs of progress of ‘A’ in the past few weeks since the Goulding Process – SleepTalk® was introduced. She sees his behaviour changing in the right direction. 

She believes it is a combination of different factors, but believe SleepTalk® is definitely helping.  Mum reports: 

  1. She enjoys very much the experience and it became a good habit for her. Generally, she has been very consistent since the beginning.
  2.   ‘A’ wakes up in the morning in a better mood, not grumpy like before. 
  3. He’s more comfortable in school and doesn’t complain about it anymore. 
  4. Dad did The Goulding Process- SleepTalk® only once as he feels uncomfortable to sit in the dark and talk to his son while seeping, “it doesn’t feel natural”.

My conclusion: The changes seen are great showing The Goulding Process- SleepTalk® has been implemented correctly by the parent and the Foundation Statements accepted by ‘A’. According to the second: Mind Profile document, the primary area of need would be: ‘Academic’ and ‘Confidence’ in general, but Mum is now happy the way “A” is and prefers to continue with Foundation statement for now instead of trying specific suggestions offered. Mum is aware she can come back to me later when she feels starting Level 2.

Accredited Goulding SleepTalk Consultant: Maguelonne Rousseau – 2016 – Singapore


Behaviour and Education.

Mum is generally pleased with the signs of progress of ‘L’ in the past few weeks since the Goulding Process – SleepTalk®  was introduced. The process has been implemented correctly and consistently by parents (missed 5 times in total and not even in the row). Mum reports:

1) Even though behaviour is better, she still feels that he lacks empathy towards family and friends and is generally worried about his social behaviour, especially now he’s going to enter primary school.

2) He seems to take frustration and anger a bit better but showed few times signs of being more vengeful (instead of hitting a friend or brother straight away, can control him-self more often but then keep some resentment that shows later).

3) Mum is also doing the process consistently with the little brother since the beginning.

According to the Mind Profile document number 2, the primary areas of need are Behaviour, Academic and Emotional.  We agreed on continuing the Foundation Statements for now and over Christmas period and January, and later starts a specific suggestion chosen in the General section that we have adapted.

Change of attitude regarding his behaviour and positive attitude. Mum is excited to soon start the specific suggestions!

Accredited Goulding SleepTalk Consultant: Maguelonne Rousseau – 2016 – Singapore


February 2010

We have been continuing doing our Sleep Talking and have observed some pretty great developments with ‘N’ which are more obvious since his return to school. He seems to have acquired a whole new work ethic and is participating in school work activities and seems to be generalizing this knowledge outside of his school environment and is even doing some academic work “just for fun”! Oh My Goodness, I am so very thrilled about this!!

My thanks, Regards LL
(Chum Creek Primary School)

Pre-school issues, anger, nightmares

June 2010

Dear Joane,

I received the book and CD about a week ago. I have read the book, all except the last 2 chapters, and I have been using it for 6 nights now. I didn’t realise that I should have listened to the CD before beginning, will do that tomorrow (I thought the CD was just the book being read aloud). Anyway, it is still early but it seems to be working! My 5 year old son has been having a few problems at preschool and has been a bit angry and over emotional lately, nightmares etc, so we decided to just work on his confidence and try to increase his sense of security as a first port of call. Today he came up to me and asked me if I was happy (the song “if you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands” was on in the background). I told him I was and asked him if he was happy, to which he replied “Yes! I’m happy! I’m clapping!”. Both he and my 6 year old daughter have told me they have also been having happy dreams, which is a big change from a few weeks ago when they were both waking up scared every night.

My daughter also just seems somehow a bit more settled. She has been telling me she loves me over the last few days, which I realised she normally doesn’t do unless I say it first. Today I thought to myself that it seems like she now “feels it in her bones” that I do love her. I also think that doing the process is good for me, I feel like I am on the path to giving them the most important, valuable thing I could ever give them, which is a deep feeling of being alright within themselves. So in that way, I feel like I am on the way to fulfilling the goal I have set myself as a parent, instead of constantly feeling like I’m getting it wrong, and letting the children down. As I say, it is still early days, but so far so good!

I was very interested to read in your book that nightmares are a sign of things not sitting quite right in the child’s subconscious, so my husband and I have been trying to also go over the day with the children before bed and apologise if we have blurted out anything that might have caused them any confusion. It makes so much sense to send them off to sleep having cleared up any misunderstandings, but having it spelled out as it is in your book, has really helped us to focus on that.

I found out about your book from a psychologist and hypnotherapist who saw you speaking at a conference a few years ago, as I mentioned that I was trying to help my children with night terrors. He wrote down your name for me and I followed it up through your website.

Thanks again for writing Joane, I will keep in touch and email your if I have any questions along the way.

Kind regards, SC

School issues and education

New Work Ethic

We have been continuing doing our Goulding Process – SleepTalk® and have observed some pretty great developments with ‘N’ which are more obvious since his return to school. He seems to have acquired a whole new work ethic and is participating in school work activities and seems to be generalizing this knowledge outside of his school environment and is even doing some academic work “just for fun”!

Oh My Goodness, I am so very thrilled about this!!

My thanks, Regards LL
(Chum Creek Primary School)


Improved Communication.

“Since the introduction of The Goulding Process – SleepTalk® ‘H’ has had some great progress.  The progress has been slow and steady however overall he has made quite a few changes since it was introduced. 

He has started to become more verbal and is more easily able to express himself.  His outbursts have reduced and he has become a lot more aware of things, more affectionate and his speech and ability to communicate has really progressed.

‘H’ still has his challenges and since the introduction of the last suggestion, he has showed quite a lot of behavioural and attention seeking behaviour.  These are future areas for change.”

Accredited Consultant: Mary Lynch NSW 2011


Homework No Problems 

“I met the mother for the 2nd time. She told me that ‚F‘ is again more relaxed especially if he has to do his homework. He is more happy working on his own and does not need so much help from the mother. So is she more relaxed and calm. Things are better again, especially regarding eating sweets and with thumb sucking.

I had a phone call with mom and she told me while they had been on vacation, but hadn’t been regular working with the process, but as soon as she was home she proceed. For her it is much better. 

He is doing much better doing his homework, he is more calm at home, much less focused on mom, doing his work mostly without any help from her. Her impression is, he has more confidence in his own person. Mom is really happy, about everything. 

I encouraged her to go on, to stay on doing The Goulding process – SleepTalk®. Once a while I will call her and look how things will go further. ”

Accredited Consultant & Trainer: Nicole Wackernangel – Zurick 2014


Changed Schools Easily 

Parents Feedback: “Very positive feedback as ‘A’ has changed school without any problem. He loves his new class. All marks are in the positive range now, great eating habits and he can handle his emotions, stopped nail chewing.

‘A’ has moved from a problematic and annoying behaviour pattern to a much more sociable, more patient state in general, with a lot of good feedback from the elementary school teachers. 

The parents are calm now, less stress at home. The process has changed their attitudes too to ‘A’.  They are satisfied with the decision changing school as he is more open and able to communicate his feelings.”

Accredited Consultant and Trainer: Marianne Lampert.  Hungary 2014


Improvement to Learning 

Improvement on learning ability and more loving towards people around and has stop the nail biting and skin tearing issues. He deals separation anxiety better now and can accept the father leaving him for work. 

Sibling rivalry has also improved and the younger daughter is more understanding and negotiable. The mother said it has been very challenging for her to keep up with SleepTalk® every day. It needs a lot of perseverance and consistent.  

Accredited Consultant Jen Li Soo – Singapore 2018


ADHD – Learning Difficulties but Improvements

“On first follow up the mother had reported that their daughter had improved 15%. The mother had noticed two marked phases of calmness during the day. This calmness was apparent physically and emotionally and was apparent in the morning when she first woke up and again in the late afternoon. 

At this point she was refusing to join the lunch table and sometimes got into squabbles with people in public places when trying to get their attention. She had begun to share more often, though dependent on her mood and the object being shared as some toys she totally refused to share. 

She had also recently learnt to draw simple shapes and began to enjoy colouring. She had begun to recognize some numbers but could not add nor count, however she had also begun to gain some words in her vocabulary even though she still couldn’t put together two word sentences. 

By the next follow up session the mother was reporting an overall 50% improvement in her daughter’s case.  She had reported being calmer in general, having being involved in less fights with her siblings, and had even started to be able to work on her own doing her homework. Her vocabulary had expanded further and she had learnt to recognize the letter “B” in Arabic.  

She was still refusing to eat on the table with the family at lunch time (only lunch not other meals).” 

Professional Intern: NS – UAE

Feedback: “Parent indicated that ‘J’ showed improvement in all areas of concern that had been identified as issues.  Her parents reported she stopped bedwetting altogether which they were ecstatic about.

‘J’ also improved her ability to get along with her sister, her sleep habits, her fear of attending school, her fear of being away from her parents, her overall behaviour, concentration and ability to get along with others, including sharing showed marked improvements.

Jasmine’s parents feel like their household has come to a level of calm they did not think they would ever be able to get to. They love SleepTalk and plan to continue to use the process throughout their children’s growth and development.”  

Accredited Consultant – Janine Nash – Vic 2019


Parents report that at the end of Phase 1, their child’s anxiety has decreased. There is an improvement in the reading, writing and speaking issues and it is more peaceful at those.

His eczema has improved, the temper tantrums have lessened and he is more interested in school. The parents are continuing with the process and are moving to Phase 3. 

Accredited Consultant: Olivia Amore – Genève