
Talking Positively and confidently

I have seen dramatic improvements with ‘G’ during this first term of school, she is thriving! I have been using the words we worked on and her speech is coming along beautifully. Her teacher even commented to me this evening about ‘G’ talking positively and confidently with expression in class and she is incredibly happy with her progress, mentioning that ‘G’ is demonstrating leadership skills which has totally blown us away!

‘G’ is the happiest I have ever seen her and it appears that everything has just clicked into place with her responsibilities and independence, she is highly motivated and driven and even organised!!!! (never would have thought I would be saying that about her a year ago!)

SleepTalk® mum – 2013


“To finish, I just wanted to share with you the letter of feedback I received from Mum towards the end of the Goulding Process – SleepTalk®. She goes on to say: “ What can I say, thank you, thank you, thank you – for giving me back my sweet little boy. 

His behaviour has done a complete turnaround. He has gone from being the trouble maker at school to telling the trouble makers how to be good and looking out for the kids who are getting led astray and getting them to go play somewhere else. Last term of school he has been coming home happy instead of teary and emotional.

He always wants to help me eg: Bringing shopping in from the car, clear the dishes from the table etc… He is controlling his anger. He will say to me: “I feel angry mum and I want to have a play by myself”, or “I don’t feel like talking”; therefore we don’t have too many angry days anymore. He will walk up to me at any time and give me a cuddle and a kiss and walk away and continue on with what he is doing. He is now always prepared to try something he hasn’t done before (this time last year he would not even try). 

His confidence has improved 100%. His speech and communication has also improved. He hardly stutters anymore, that was a nervous habit. He still has some trouble with crowds and noise. Places like shopping centres, but he tells me now when we are out. He will say something like: “It is getting too noisy. I want to go home”. Overall he is a happy and confident little boy.”

Accredited Consultant: 2010 Marina Fick  – Victoria 2010


“Since the introduction of SleepTalk® ‘H’ has had some great progress.  The progress has been slow and steady however overall he has made quite a few changes since SleepTalk® was introduced. He has started to become more verbal and is more easily able to express himself.  His outbursts have reduced and he has become a lot more aware of things, more affectionate and his speech and ability to communicate has really progressed.  ‘H’ still has his challenges and since the introduction of the last suggestion, he has showed quite a lot of behavioural and attention seeking behaviour.  These are future areas for change.”

Accredited Consultant: Mary Lynch NSW 2011 


“The mother began with Goulding Process – SleepTalk on the 16th of September 2013.After a few weeks of the Foundation process the bedwetting was less. After 3 months of The Goulding Process – SleepTalk® every night their daughter was dry at night and during the day. There was no need of any further assistance. Her ability to speak and to count was improving a lot.


She was more calm, more relaxed and just improving as a person. The parents are really happy & excited about the process and the big improvements! Even in school the teacher mentioned the improvements. ”

Accredited Consultant & Trainer: Nicole Wackernangel – Zurick 2013


“On first follow up the mother had reported that their daughter had improved 15%. The mother had noticed two marked phases of calmness during the day. This calmness was apparent physically and emotionally and was apparent in the morning when she first woke up and again in the late afternoon. 

At this point she was refusing to join the lunch table and sometimes got into squabbles with people in public places when trying to get their attention. She had begun to share more often, though dependent on her mood and the object being shared as some toys she totally refused to share. 

She had also recently learnt to draw simple shapes and began to enjoy colouring. She had begun to recognize some numbers but could not add nor count, however she had also begun to gain some words in her vocabulary even though she still couldn’t put together two word sentences. 

By the next follow up session the mother was reporting an overall 50% improvement in her daughter’s case.  She had reported being calmer in general, having being involved in less fights with her siblings, and had even started to be able to work on her own doing her homework. Her vocabulary had expanded further and she had learnt to recognize the letter “B” in Arabic.  

She was still refusing to eat on the table with the family at lunch time (only lunch not other meals).” 

Professional Intern: NS – UAE



Speech Issues.

“Had a very positive result, her sleep improved by 90% and so did her ability to remain calm and deal with anger. She is very affectionate with all family members including her sister who previously was scratched and bitten by her daily.

 She has also become completely toilet trained and dry at night. Speech was also an issue, so after introducing additional ‘specific’ suggestions, the educators commented at her day care: “She has really found her voice and become confident and outgoing”. The parents will continue to use the Goulding Process-  SleepTalk® to help her navigate her way through future changes and make good choices.”

Accredited Consultant: Olivia Walford – Vic 2018


Speech is clearer.

According to Mom’s feedback, the 6 years old girl doesn’t have to have her planed otitis media (ear) operation. The parents hoped they can avoid that as from the beginning of applying the process, the girl’s condition was constantly improving and now she is free of inflation and any other symptoms.  Her speech is also clearer and she is more confident and relaxed.

My conclusion: Spending quality time together is crucially important for the healthy physical, mental and emotional development of our children.  If the parents are able to provide it with full commitment, then the child will be able to experience all the joy life can offer with its full extend.

Accredited Consultant: Molnárné Kecskés Mónika Hungary – 2019

Speech Problems

Back when I first started SleepTalk training I began with my own children, one of which who was attending speech therapy and we were told that her speech problem was severe and that we would have limited benefits and it would be an ongoing long term issue. Well we proved everyone wrong with SleepTalk – lots of hands-on work with her she is absolutely fine. Within 6-12 months you would not even know that she had a speech problem.  Yes great benefits.

2013 – Consultant – Michelle Clarkson – Qld.


I have seen dramatic improvements with ‘G’ during this first term of school, she is thriving! I have been using the words we worked on and her speech is coming along beautifully.

Her teacher even commented to me this evening about ‘G’ talking positively and confidently with expression in class and she is incredibly happy with her progress, mentioning that ‘G’ is demonstrating leadership skills which has totally blown us away!

‘G’ is the happiest I have ever seen her and it appears that everything has just clicked into place with her responsibilities and independence, she is highly motivated and driven and even organised!!!! (never would have thought I would be saying that about her a year ago!)

SleepTalk mum – 2013

Sight impaired, Speech

This is the young girl who was very anxious, is blind and communicates in sign as she is not able to speak (at this point). This young lass has gone from her Mum spending 20 minutes coaxing her out of the car into a new environment to presenting at a conference (this was done so well she has been asked to present in New Zealand). Her Mum for the first time in her life is able to consider that she may be able to live independently. I spoke with her Mum when in Adelaide for a family funeral the weekend just gone and she is ready to add to the existing statement to support and encourage her daughter further. She is not speaking but there has been an increase in her making vocal sounds so slowly but surely progress is occurring. The massive transformation in relation to confidence has occurred over an 11 month period.

2012 – Consultant:  Kirsteen Rowntree

Selective Mutism  

April 2011. “I wanted to share with you a case history with a young boy with selective Mutism. He is going really well – he is not quite speaking yet, but he allowed his mum to video him reading at home and agreed to let his teacher see it – then said he wanted his class to see it – then even the whole school. I told his mum I think this is his way of preparing everyone at school for him to speak !!  so watch this space…..

His mum also says he is much more confident and “open” since doing SleepTalk® so all in all this has been a wonderful experience for all – I am absolutely sure he will be talking at school this next term.”

July 2011 Update

“Ohhh Joane – You had to be the first to know – remember the little boy with ‘Selective Mutism’?  His mum just called me to say that ‘H’ has been and is talking to his friends at school !!!

She has seen him and it has been confirmed this week in his school report which was glowing, saying that he is a bright intelligent little boy who is well respected by his teachers and piers –  he is confident and happy.  He scored extremely well overall & excels in maths and music which are his favourite subjects.  Quite a different boy from last year.

You can’t imagine how proud, pleased and thankful his parents are – it has taken time, yet the change in ‘H’ in a year is unbelievable. I told her that its due to all the work she and her husband have put in  – they have hardly missed a night with SleepTalk®.  She said thanks and acknowledged that without SleepTalk® she would not have believed it possible.

There are still some teachers and children he isn’t talking to however the school, ‘H’s mum and I are all confident that this is just a matter of time. Please pass this news on to any one that is interested in his story.  Many thanks Joane as this has been a wonderful and interesting journey working with this wonderful family, who are fabulous – they work very hard and I think they have only missed a couple of nights since we first started.

Of course like most parents they didn’t know what to expect and over the months they did occasionally get despondent, as they don’t always seem to notice changes – that’s when I jump in and do an assessment – then they get to compare and I can tell them what differences I notice in what they tell me and the changes I can see.  It’s also good to remind them where their son was when they first came to see me.”

Nov 2011 Update

“Joane, ‘H’ is talking in school to nearly everyone – all be it in whispered tones – but talking  YEEEEEEESSSSSS.  His mum is SOOOOOO happy – he is even now insisting that his granddad takes him to school.  I don’t know if you remember but we think the original problem occurred when his mum had to be taken into hospital unexpectedly.  He woke to find his grandma and grandpa looking after him….. he stopped talking !!  So massive changes have happened over the last year.”

March 2012 Update

GREAT NEWS  – ‘H’ is talking TO EVERYONE

We are all thrilled and his mum said the teacher has said “he won’t shut up !!” HURRAH I screamed from the room tops let him get it out – 4 years of being caged in and now he is free !!

I advised her that she should allow at least one month for every year that he has not talked before she even needs to be concerned about him “over talking” which gave her an immense amount of relief


Anne Denning – UK Registered Consultant . www.sleeptalklondon.com

OCD / Nightmares / Speech / Anger

Yarra Valley Practitioners Project (YVPP) SleepTalk® for Children – Case study mothers report:
Our experience with SleepTalk® so far – 29.7.10 -17.2.11

“I first heard about SleepTalk® in our school newsletter.  My son was just about to turn 6 years old and in the middle of prep at primary school.  We did not lose our home or loved ones but we were impacted and present for the black Saturday bushfires in February, 2009 and it is fair to say that our experiences on that day have changed our lives forever.  My son, who was generally a happy little boy and very well behaved became unsettled and anxious, trying to fit in at school and struggling a little with his speech which was in turn affecting his reading and writing at school, causing much frustration, resulting in anger.  Just to compound this we had also recently began getting rather excessive, compulsive about hand washing.

I went to my first SleepTalk® session, really just to explore what it was about.  To be completely honest it all sounded a little mumbo jumbo and had me thinking “I don’t know if I believe in this stuff being able to make a difference”. Now 6½ months on after considering I had nothing to lose but 2 minutes a night, I am so thankful for SleepTalk®, as the changes in my son are too great to call our progress pure co-incidence.

My first night with SleepTalk was one of great emotion for me.  I sat there and out loud said these words and not expecting any comments from my son whilst he slept. When I said: “Mummy loves you”, he replied to me “I love you too mum”, yet he remained asleep.  Joane had mentioned that I may get a reaction but I didn’t really expect that.  It threw me for a moment, and chocking back my emotion I continued with the statements.  So I know he hears me when I do SleepTalk® with him, and it’s nice to know that his sub-conscious is taking these lovely statements in.

Mornings were an issue with my son always sluggish to get started, everything always too much effort. Joane suggested he may have a problem with his sugar levels first thing and suggested that a simple inch or two of watered down fruit juice first thing of a morning might help, followed up with a good breakfast including protein.  WOW!!!!…..what a significant difference we noticed within the first few days.  I found the improvement with my son of a morning also had an impact on me, as his sluggish, grumpy attitude despite my best efforts seemed to get me down. I felt like I was on his case a lot every morning. Now mornings just seem so much more relaxed and we just flow through our routine to get us out the door on time each day.

Other issues that have improved include:
Compulsive Hand Washing: With continual monitoring and re-assurance the problem just disappeared, and we’ve not broached the subject again.

Speech Issues: This was a real distressing issue for me.  To sit back and watch a little person have so much anger and not be able to deal with it, to not really know how to fix it for him because anytime we would try to talk about it with him his anger would accelerate and turn toward us, making it very difficult to work through and help him.  I cried so many tears over this, every time I saw him so distressed, I felt like I was failing him because I couldn’t make it all better, this enhanced my stress levels also and emotionally it drained me.  Other than SleepTalk® there was no other aid we used to deal with his anger and management of, so my son, my relaxed little boy who now talks to me about what’s bothering him and seeks our help when he finds things tough, is a different kid and in extension I am a different mum, more relaxed and stress free.  WOW it feels good!  And I solely thank SleepTalk® for this.

Nightmares:  Particularly since the fires and when reminders of the fires like memorials, smells of smoke and sirens ringing occur.  While the nightmares do subside with time, it only takes one of these reminders to bring them right back again.

The second anniversary of Black Saturday on the 7.2.11 caused some reaction, but right now I’m enjoying having my son back again because at one stage I felt helpless and as though I was losing him to an extent, particularly with his anger issues and for now I’m continuing with SleepTalk® as I believe it has been invaluable to our family and I’m just hoping all continues to go well for us.”

Tantrums / Sibling rivalry / Bed Wetting / Speech /Anger / Confidence & Co-operation

Temper Tantrums – Eczema –

Parents report that at the end of Phase 1, their child’s anxiety has decreased. There is an improvement in the reading, writing and speaking issues and it is more peaceful at those. His eczema has improved, the temper tantrums have lessened and he is more interested in school. The parents are continuing with the process and are moving to Phase 3. 

Accredited Consultant: Olivia Amore – Genève 


B was 6 years old when Mum commenced SleepTalk® with him. Mum says that B is quite a sensitive boy who relates to nature and enjoys learning about and exploring nature. His older brother J was 16 years old and younger brother A was 2.5 years old at the time.

Mum was very interested and motivated to be involved with SleepTalk ® For Children. Mum had concerns with B with several areas; the most prominent being his behaviour, which was often explosive, with yelling, screaming, swearing, kicking and throwing things, and tantrums.

B wouldn’t cooperate with Mum when asked to do things (eg packing up the toys before dinner) and became very angry and aggressive quickly. Although B tended to play separately from others, often annoyed his younger brother A, consistently arguing/fighting with him.

His older brother didn’t want to play with, B or let B come into his room, and has no patience for him Mum said. B had delayed speech development, which primarily involved enunciation (eg of sounds –  c, f, s, sh, ch), sentence structure, grammar selection (eg l/He/She…. am/was/are). This negatively impacted on B’s communication with others – who often had difficulty understanding what he was trying to say.

B became anxious with changes and new people in his life, sometimes ‘over-reacting’ to these situations, by either crying or becoming overly excited. Although toilet trained now, Mum said that B had no interest in going to the toilet by himself, so at 4 years of age she “really had to make him.” However he was still wearing night nappies (bed wetting).

Mum said that she would also give SleepTalk to A her 2 yo son as well, as he was copying B’s negative behaviour. Spoke with Mum next day who said she felt a bit nervous when giving SleepTalk ® but it all went well.

SleepTalk ® Foundation Process commenced.
Only a week later, Mum was amazed to hear A repeating the script word for word to them (on Mother’s Day!).

Within two weeks she could already see some improvement in B’s behaviour, with the aggressive outbursts becoming less frequent each day and B becoming a bit calmer at home. B was listening to her more, and had even stopped and looked at her while she was asking him to pack up the toys one day, which he had never done before.

Mum was so amazed that she quickly gave him a cuddle and told him how good he was! Both boys had become more affectionate towards Mum, coming up for no reason and giving her a cuddle, which she loved of course! They were being more affectionate towards dad also.

After the first month of SleepTalk, Mum was very happy to share how much B’s behaviour had improved and the positive effect it had on the whole family – even his older brother had said at the dinner table one night, “I don’t recognise B anymore.”

A family day trip which involved quite a bit of driving had been successful Mum reported, without the three boys on the back seat fighting once – “that’s never happened before!”

Second Meeting With Mum.
Vast improvements concerning B’s level of behaviour, confidence, anxiety and happiness were highlighted by Mum who was so happy with the progress that B had made in the previous two months.

Generally B remained calm and was dealing with things, with his aggression and anger occurring much less frequently. However these aggressive episodes were more apparent during the previous month when B was suffering from an ear infection.

Mum found his behaviour had become more ‘challenging’ again through this time, after being more settled. She was thankful for SleepTalk, to be able to tell him that she loved him when he was quiet at night – and get her through the difficult and stressful times of coping with B’s behaviour each day.

How much B’s level of self confidence and self-esteem had improved became more apparent for Mum when she explained what B was now doing at home. B was cooperating more with Mum, packing up the toys for dinner when asked, often doing so without being asked!

Mum said that B wanted to help around the house more, offering to chop up things for meals, setting the table, even got the baked beans out for himself to eat, opened the lid, put them in a saucepan, turned on the hotplate and heated them up – all independently and at 6yo!

B had even chosen a new job for himself to do each morning – packing the dried dishes away in the cupboard, and supervised his little brother A to put away the cutlery. He was also sharing and helping his younger brother, playing positively with his older brother who now wanted B’s company and better behaved when in the supermarket. Mum even took the boys on a bus trip to the shops which she said she never would have attempted with B previously due to his behaviour.

Mum said that B was more consistent in his behaviour, she could reason with him now and he was more thoughtful and helpful to others.

While B’s behaviour outside the home was not “as silly as before”, being better behaved, he still tended to act silly, as though attention seeking from his friends. Mum said he was never invited to play at his friend’s homes and she thought maybe this could be the reason from their mothers. B’s level of anxiety had reduced when car pooling as he acted calmer, not appearing to be upset by other children’s comments when they couldn’t understand what he was saying.

Although Mum was!  B’s sleeping pattern had improved and now went to bed easier when asked, and straight to sleep; sleeping through the night, instead of being awake for quite sometime as previously. However he was still bed wetting.

Mum reported that B was not only more affectionate, but his cuddles, hugs and words of affection were more meaningful and heartfelt. How lovely!

Although Dad had not been taking part in the nightly SleepTalk ® process, he often came to watch and listen to Mum from the doorway of B’s bedroom. He had recognised B’s improved behaviour and level of affection and seemed to be more willing to do things with the boys, eg taking them fishing with him.

Choosing the Primary Area of Need
Three areas of need for B were identified by Mum – his speech, behaviour and toileting (bed wetting). Even though she felt his communication with others, together with his self-confidence, would benefit from improved speech, she explained that as his younger brother had begun to have dry nights and didn’t want to wear night nappies, she believed this was of more importance for B. Whereas before, B was not concerned about wearing a night nappy, she felt that now he wanted not to wet his nappy each night. After discussing what the possible reason/s maybe concerning why B had bed wetting, eg medical, fears, authority figure/s, a specific statement was chosen as the support statement.

By advising Mum that with Dad’s involvement in giving SleepTalk ® to B, not only will it help to accelerate the process, but it will help him with his bed wetting problem.

After only five nights of giving the supporting statement, Mum sms to say that B had his first dry night! Mum was so excited for her son, as well B also – me too!

Speech, Eating & Sleeping Issues

“Obsessive behaviour issues displayed by ‘L’ about keeping things in order was compelled by hoarding lots of random items.

He does not like his items to be touched or moved, tends to escalate on his anger quickly, clenches his fist and face and he goes red from frustration.

When he gets upset, he cries and begins to hyperventilate. As a form of additional control, he also makes sure he eats everything that is given to him – as a reaction to “not having” or “attention”. 

Mum found the process difficult to start initially, as trying to form the habit at night was a bit of a challenge after a long day.

However, after 2 weeks she had the hang of it and was thoroughly enjoying it. She was encouraged to keep going and kept in regular contact. Significant shifts were noted with ‘L’ anxious behaviour.

Feedback included that he was not collecting as many items, he was being more open to change, willingness to throw random items away (junk),  he also was not crying so hard that previously would have caused him to hyperventilate. Other areas mentioned were a willingness to learn new skills, being ok to start interacting with other kids by using his own initiative and finally being more content to continue doing his own thing. 

There was a 50% improvement so we moved to Phase 2. To ensure that ‘L’ continued to remain calm and secure, we introduced additional suggestions to help build confidence. The biggest behaviour change that was noticed was the obsessive behaviour.

The decrease in his need to hoard items and collect items as well as allowing them to be touched and moved, was a significant and worthwhile improvement.

‘L’ has succeeded quite substantially by improving on some quite escalated behaviour in only 24 weeks of doing the programme. Having decreased his need for control on items through his anxiety which is allowing him to interact more with children and hoard much less.” 

Accredited Consultant – Tarryn Pickup – Sth Africa 


Meal Times are Calmer 

“Mum reports that ‘E’ is giving more kisses and cuddles and is generally much more affectionate. She will continue with the Foundation script for the time being and we will consider adding a supporting statement if and when it is deemed to be necessary.

I saw mum again in August. ‘E’ has continued to progress in most areas. She is still a little anxious at times and mum still has concerns about her eating. Meal times are calmer but mum is still worried about ‘E’s weight. 

(She looks fine to me. I think perhaps mum is worrying unnecessarily. Mum has been doing  The Goulding Process – SleepTalk consistently and I felt it was a good time to introduce a support statement to address anxiety and self-esteem issues she still has. 

I spoke to mum in September. She is more than hoppy with  the process. She feels that ‘E’ is less anxious, calmer and that her self-esteem has improved. She will continue with SleepTalk and will talk to her again soon for update.

Kathryn Duncan – Qld 2014


Needs to eat

“Initially the main reason ‘H’ parents became interested in the Goulding  Process- SleepTalk® was with the hope that it would help them to get her to eat. Because of the nature of the disease and the body’s inability to break down and absorb food every meal has to be eaten along with enzymes so that the body can benefit from the food. 

This in itself presents a large conflict. The parents understand that they must get their child to eat and so over the course of several years mealtimes have become difficult for all involved. ‘H’ who lacks any control over the situation is desperately seeking control and the parents – mom especially – feel they have no choice but to be in control – allowing her not to eat is simply not an option for them.

The Goulding Process- SleepTalk® has helped in many ways, the parents feel like they are actually doing something constructive. They have found ways to give ‘H’ control in her life so that she is not so insistent on controlling the one thing that has become so difficult for all involved.

The feedback from the parents has been that they have noticed that she is happier and generally more easy going. The parents have also realized their responsibility to do something about the way they are dealing with the fact that they have a daughter with CF.

 A lot of the problems in the home are as a result of the unfairness and anger that mom is experiencing all the time. Our next step is to address specific areas where we can help the child’s overall health and wellbeing.

 Update: After a few months of using The Goulding Process – SleepTalk® unfortunately the parents have not kept up the practice. One of the things that this particular case has taught me is just how profound an impact the Goulding Process – SleepTalk® has on the family unit. 

Even outside of the actual process of giving suggestions to the subconscious mind of the child. The overall awareness in the family of the words we use and the actions of the parents has just as much to do with the success of The Goulding Process- SleepTalk®. 

That added to the empowerment that the parents feel that they are actually doing something to give their child such a gift, all works together to make The Goulding Process- SleepTalk® what it is – nothing less than miraculous.

Consultant: Philip Donegan – Ireland 2009


Going very well .

The kids are going very well and are happy.   ‘O’ is eating and sleeping well and ‘H’s talking is much clearer – has come a long way.

Overall I can see that they are confident and happy little people who given we have just moved house and they have new school/kindergartens, they have settled in without any issues or concerns.  In fact they are very excited each day to be going.

At this stage I feel confident that the kids are going well and that a follow up consultation is not necessary.  I will continue to monitor them and at any stage require additional help beyond your very detailed and helpful book I will give you a call.

Thank you for all your help.  SleepTalk® Mum 2009


Feedback received:  “A little girl of 4 years was very advanced for her young age. ‘A’ often says she does not like mom and does not like dad. There is a fraternal rivalry with her sister and has ‘A’ has trouble falling asleep.

At the end of the 1st Phase: ‘A’ has become incredibly calm. The parents had a 10 day break  and ‘A’ lived with her grandparents for the holiday. On her return she started to show anger again especially towards her sister, so the parents re- started the process and found again a clear improvement. She still has some problems falling asleep but is improving. 

The suggestions chosen or the 2nd Phase are definitely helping and the parents are amazed by the changes. ‘A’ is continuing to be calm and the parents are more than willing to continue the process.

Accredited Consultant: Rose-Marie Mauron – Genève   

Speech and swimming issues

A normally articulate 8year old boy suddenly starts to have problems articulating certain sounds. A pattern of repeating words within sentences establishes itself. He often stops mid-sentence to correct himself, several times. Speech becomes disjointed, lacking any fluidity and staccato in effect. Very hard for the listener to understand what is being said. Sentences often end with the slogan “Well, I mean” conjugated to “Well I meant” if the main verb in the preceding sentence is in the past tense.

Initial treatment involved talking to the boy, discussing if there is anything bothering him, and asking why he feels the need to repeat things. Incentives, such as outings, are offered in the hope that he will make an improvement. Parents discuss whether to send their son for speech therapy.

Mother is becoming upset at what she feels could be a debilitating condition if left untreated. She read the SleepTalk® book and began the Foundation process, running it for a period of three to four weeks before consulting Joane for some suggestions. Joane points out that the speech issue is an effect and not a cause. Since beginning the Foundation process, feedback indicates there had been some major shifts of improvement in his behaviour and the speech issues have completely stopped.

As there was considerable sibling rivalry at home, Joane’s first strategy was to insert the sister’s name in the foundation process. The primary suggestion then chosen was “You enjoy swimming” to assist him with some fears he had been having during swimming classes.

Four weeks later the boy’s mother reported the speech problems and swimming concerns had completely disappeared.