Successful SleepTalk® Results
For almost fifty years, SleepTalk® consultants and foundation coaches have had the pleasure of working with thousands of parents and families and hundreds of GPs, psychologists and psychotherapists, improving children’s behaviour and attitudes.
Once learnt, parents become empowered to allow their children to thrive, overcoming the normal childhood challenges with a safe and drug free solution. It is just not possible to list all our success stories over the years however click the links on the sidebar listing specific results or just browse below for additional feedback from satisfied parents.
Click to hear Mum, Megan
How SleepTalk® assisted her daughters self-esteem and toiletry issues.
What Professionals Say
“Children deal with trauma in a different way to adults, often not able to express what they are feeling as a result of any trauma. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is one of the most debilitating anxiety disorders, creating a number of behavioural and emotional changes in children that, if not treated properly, stay with the child for the rest of his or her life.
The SleepTalk® process has been shown to be one of the most effective ways of treating such traumas in children, bypassing the normal communication methods and allowing the unconscious to let go of the intrusive thoughts, flashbacks and anger associated with such memories.
Using strategies that the unconscious understands, the SleepTalk® process forms a direct path to the parts of the memory holding high levels of anxiety and distress, encouraging the mind to reframe the original event and strengthening the self-image and an awareness of safety. With the parents involved in the process that awareness of safety is enhanced. I highly recommend The SleepTalk® Process for all anxiety disorders in children.”
Gary Johnston. Psychotherapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Specialist in Trauma and PTSD
“I am a qualified medical practitioner and psychiatrist. I have used the technique of the SleepTalk® process for many years.” “The SleepTalk® protocol is a safe, effective and a very valuable process. I have found it useful in my clinical practice and recommend it highly.”
Dr. Eileen Feeney, MB, BCh, BAO, DCH, FRANZCP
Registered MD and Psychiatrist
“The SleepTalk® process is a sensible practical and easy-to-follow method of communicating important messages to the subconscious mind. This process should be used by all parents, educators and health professionals and the practice adopted in the management of all disorders in which the mind plays a significant role.”
Professor Ian Brighthope, MBBS, Dip Ag Sci, FACNEM, FASEM, MAIAST
Fellow of Australasian College of Nutritional
and Environmental Medicine
“By hearing enough examples of positive and effective thoughts, delivered by a person with whom the child enjoys a close and loving relationship, the child can eventually discard negative feelings and self-defeating statements and replace them with powerful and useful ones. In this sense The SleepTalk® Process shares many parallels with a well-recognised psychological therapeutic approach known as self-instruction or self-verbalization.”
Alex Bartsch, BA (Hons) Psychology
Director, Zenith Professional Development
(Corporate psychology consultant & former Police Homicide Detective)
“I have used the SleepTalk® Process for over thirty-five years. This is not a therapy and does not involve taking medications – just a commonsense approach to parenting. My daughter Monique, whose formative years, benefited greatly with The SleepTalk® Process , giving her self-confidence, security and love.
Monique now uses this incredible protocol on her own children with wonderful results. One day when discussing her childhood and SleepTalk®, she told me when she was a little girl, she would sometimes hear me come into her room and would pretend to be asleep, because she loved hearing me tell her all those positive things that made her feel, peaceful, happy, loved and very safe!
Now three generations, and thirty-five years later, I know my grandchildren will continue using this miraculous process to help them achieve their goals and aspirations, to teach others how a happy and healthy mind can help overcome many of life’s obstacles that may be thrown our way.
“The SleepTalk® process is one of the most valuable and credible processes that I have encountered in over thirty-five years, and is suitable for children of all ages and stages of development.”
Cherie de Hass,
Fellow, Australian Natural Therapies Association
Former Presenter: Healthy Wealthy and Wise
Naturopath, Author and Media Writer
“The SleepTalk® process is a positive, natural, non-invasive and non-harmful treatment regime, the benefits of which can literally last forever. There is no doubt that the time is now right for the benefits of the SleepTalk® Process to be disseminated more widely among healthcare professionals and the general community.
I wholeheartedly support efforts to make The SleepTalk® Process more widely known.”
J Berger, BA (Psych), BTH, Grad Dip.
Counselling Psychologist
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What our parents say:
“My children have become calm again and the household is happier, thank you for giving me back my child.”
“I have been presenting the SleepTalk® Process – with my son who is 9 yrs of age for 6 months and I have a new boy! He’s back to being my loving, caring and helpful son who has found his self-esteem and self-worth again. I am so proud of him and a huge believer in the SleepTalk® miracle. It is amazing. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!”
“Initially I didn’t think the SleepTalk®Process would have the potential to work on my 3-year-old daughter; however after trying the technique I found my daughter to be calmer and more settled with her bedtime routine. The process was very easy to follow and manage. It has been a worthwhile contribution to my daughter’s very healthy sleeping routine.”
“Since starting the SleepTalk®Process, the whole family has noticed an improvement in my son’s behaviour. It is hard to believe that with so little time and effort our daily lives have improved so much.
My son is a much calmer boy now and has fewer tantrums, in fact, it is now a rare occurrence that we have to send him to his room for time out (it used to be a couple of times a day at weekends). It is also a lovely time for me to go into his room at night and whisper to him which is a nice end to the day regardless of it being a good day or not. He is definitely waking up ‘bright and happy’ these days – we love it!”
“We have been continuing doing The SleepTalk® Process -Phase one , the Foundation and have observed some pretty great developments with ‘N’ which are more obvious since his return to school. He seems to have acquired a whole new work ethic and is participating in school work activities and seems to be generalising this knowledge outside of his school environment and is even doing some academic work ‘just for fun’! Oh My Goodness, I am so very thrilled about this!!”
No more Tension.
“Amazing progress has been made for ‘Z’, her anxiety levels have been down so much and both parents report that it was possible to prep her for situations and talk her through challenges beforehand, which made a huge difference.
SleepTalk® Consultant – Zurick
Lots more affectionate
“A response to the SleepTalk® Foundation statements was immediate. The morning after the very first time of using the statements ‘T’ came up to me, looking very deeply at me with a smile on her face; a look which, had I not done the SleepTalk® Process work, and thought it might be to do with, would have asked her what the reason for her look was….it was a very different look. Then she came up to me and gave me a big hug.
She also asked if I could get her a pen and some paper and proceeded to make me a card, whilst I was getting ready to leave. The card had a picture on the front of the whole family, including the dog, all with big smiles on their faces and standing in front of our house.
She was a lot more affectionate when doing the statements, enjoying lots of cuddles, and sitting closely next to us when on the sofas. Though she wasn’t being clingy, she was happy to cuddle then go and her enthusiasm to go to school increased, with a reduction in her “tummy hurt” each morning, though this wasn’t fully eliminated.
Her eating seemed to also improve. Less coaxing seemed to be needed, she seemed to know that when one mouthful was finished she should put another in, though she can still be a bit distracted and not concentrating solely on the task at hand. Though the television is still being watched during mealtimes.
She became a lot happier in attending school, even mentioning regularly that she liked school. She completely stopped complaining that her tummy hurt in the mornings and, in fact, in the year or so since we did the SleepTalk® only once mentioned she was worried about seeing someone she hadn’t seen for a while (which was her Great Grandad which we hadn’t seen for a year…so understandable!)
No instances of Violence anymore
“He’s going to bed without a fuss is now the norm! Possibly being twinned with a new and regular bedtime routine he now never complains or kicks up a fuss and has even asked his mum on occasion if he can go to bed, as he was tired!”
Mum is over the moon. She got very emotional when she remembered how bad it had been at the beginning of the process and how different it now was. His arguing has improved hugely, not totally disappeared, but has been greatly reduced. His unwavering conviction that he is always right has dissipated and he is willing to consider what others say. He is still very affectionate towards his mum, instigating hugs.
The parents are totally thrilled with the outcome because his behaviour has improved hugely with no incidences of violence that the mum could remember over the previous 8 weeks.
He goes to bed without a fuss now, which was unheard of, and even unimaginable, at the beginning of the process. His sleeping habits have greatly improved, no longer sleepwalking and only rarely sleep talking. Thus, one assumes, he is getting more and better quality, sleep (which would also help his behavior).
His arguing has also improved. He is more compliant when asked to do something and seems to be very happy acting as part of the family. So, overall, the SleepTalk® Process work has been a huge success.
Accredited Consultant: UK
No more problems at school
“The SleepTalk® Process gave a new start to our family. I started with my 6-year-old son who had a lot of excitement to evacuate and a big lack of self-confidence and behaviour problems at school.
Since then, everything is much better. The SleepTalk® Process was advised to me by our paediatrician. I recommend this therapy 100% !!!! .”
We saw inexplicable and incredible changes
“For some time, my son had great fears, a lack of self-confidence and an uncontrollable sensitivity (often at the end of the day). We did not know what to do … see a psychologist? like, everyone… Thanks to the good advice of my paediatrician, I made contact with a SleepTalk® trainer
We set up the SleepTalk® Process – The result: EXTRAORDINARY !! after 5 weeks we saw changes, it is inexplicable and incredible. A big thank you
Mum in Geneva
Discover this easy solution
The first phase of our process can be learnt direct from our Books, E-books, or one of our Foundation Coaches.
The more advance phases are supported by our Fully Accredited Professional Consultants.
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Calm not Fearful.
“My paediatrician told me about the SleepTalk® Process because my first boy was agitated, my second son was afraid and would shake with fear.
So on September 7th, 2016 I started the SleepTalk® Process and I can tell you that my children have completely changed in some time they are calmer, the big one is no longer afraid and the little less capricious. A big change. A big thank you to my consultant and the SleepTalk® Process that really works.”
Happy Parent – Genève
Better energy in the household
“Parents feedback mum has shared with me that many nights ‘E’ was responding physically to The SleepTalk® Process and has often either voiced a sigh or even smiled. During the day, manifesting what was said during the night, with parts of the suggestions seemed to make a huge difference to her. Mum had forgotten about it, when I called her a week in to check on her, I reminded her and the result became really visible immediately.
‘E’ is very vocal and loves to talk things through. The SleepTalk® Process had a response in her that “felt like a knot had been undone”. Given the opportunity to talk her through her emotions mum found it much easier to parent her.
Also, dad felt that the SleepTalk® Process as a tool, had made him feel a lot more competent as a father because it was so tangible. Both parents also agree that the energy created while doing the process before they themselves are going to bed. It has helped to create an overall better energy in the household.
As this case has been a while ago and the family has come back to me for further Phase 2 , I can overall say that it has been a strong tool in their toolbox, helping ‘E’ to grow into challenges she was facing and come out stronger at the other side. Really, as a parent coach, I see the value also for the parents who feel more competent with a tangible tool and really supported.”
Consultant – Zurich
Awesome for Autism & Special Needs.
“My learning from this case experience is that SleepTalk® is so amazing and beneficial for children with special needs. This nightly process can help an autistic child build up his compassion and self-discipline. It also changes the parents’ expectations and attitude towards their children, leading to more positive parenting.”
Expressing his emotions better.
“Father commented that The SleepTalk® Process has become a nightly routine for the family. Even when the Father is lazy at times or forgot, the wife will remind him to do it. They had only missed one night ever since starting the SleepTalk® Process. I questioned why the wife is not doing it and he said that both are committed but she has more household chores to do so he will share out the load.
Recently the parents had a gathering with their friends and it surprised the parents that ‘S’ made friends with them easily and even willing to hold hands with them to go for a walk. In addition, nowadays when parents try to wake him up, he is happier to wake up and sometimes even able to wake up on his own in the mornings. The Father commented that his son really is waking up ‘Bright and Happy’.
‘S’ is able to express his emotions better and the Father felt that his son has grown up a lot during these 3 months. Previously whenever S did something wrong, he would say ‘sorry’ when told to say so without much feeling and understanding that he really did something wrong.
The Father commented that recently he would give random kisses and hugs to the parents, showing his affection more openly to his parents, which was a pleasant surprise to his parents. ‘S’ is less possessive of his Mother even though there are some changes in the care arrangement such as Mother has resumed full-time working. ‘S’ maintains a positive mood when it is time for him to go to school and Mother has to go to work.
My learning from this case experience is that this wonderful SleepTalk® Process process has benefitted parents by teaching them about positive parenting. The parents recognised it as taking care of the ‘now’ for the sake of their child’s future and it is good to start at an early age.”
Confidence has definitely improved
“The Mother was overall satisfied with The SleepTalk ® Process seeing many improvements in her daughter over the past 3 months.
Most significant was her daughter able to express her love to the Mother verbally. ‘Z’ will also spontaneously hug her Mother and this makes the Mother extremely happy and has improved in her physical ability. The Mother said ‘Z’ is basically a gentle girl and her level of confidence has definitely improved.
‘Z’ has also improved in her level of concentration as reported by the teachers
She has demonstrated more confidence when striking a conversation with adults and peers. She is more cooperative and flexible now even if it is not the usual routine for some days and her ability to deal with issues is much better.
The Mother commented that she was glad that Z has the ability to express ‘no’ to situations that she doesn’t want to be part of (as opposed to a previously compliant character).
The parents have noted about her changes in dealing with her stress systems and sensory overload. She managed to remain calm when another autistic child suddenly hit her unexpectedly. ‘Z’ was also able to verbalise her thoughts to her parents that she had enough and would like to go back home instead of having a meltdown.
My learning from this case experience is that The SleepTalk® Process only takes a few minutes nightly to help the special needs child develop emotional resilience to cope with the outside world. It amazed me to see an autistic child to have the confidence to say “No” and with a good understanding of why she wants to say that.”
Past Consultant – Singapore
Remember there are three phases to our Protocol
Phase 1 – The Foundation
Improves Children’s Anxiety, Happiness, Self Esteem and Confidence.
*Phase 2 – The Bridge
Corrects Poor Habits and Social Skills, Separation Anxiety, Sibling Rivalry, Tantrums & Frustrating Behaviour.
*Phase 3 – The Specifics
Improves Unacceptable Behaviour and Social Skills, Poor Communication, Development Disorders including Speech, Sleeping, Toileting or Eating Challenges. This phase is a safe, non evasive and effective solution for ALL children on the spectrum including ODD – ADHD – OCD
- Needs assistance from a Fully Accredited SleepTalk® Consultant or Trainer
Happier than ever before.
‘A’s emotions became more stable, she was generally in a better mood and happier than before. Mum & Dad learned a few more things about ‘A’ that she did not reveal before. Mum’s relationship also improved as a result. As an added bonus, ‘A’s stuttering had disappeared as a result of her increased self-confidence and lessened anxiety.”
Communicating & Overcoming Bullying & Harassment Issues at School.
“Mum excitedly texted me that the SleepTalk® Process really worked. Both parents just had an open-hearted discussion with their daughter ‘H’ about her issues. ‘H’ was moved to open up when the parents promised not to scold or be judgmental.
‘H’ confided in them that she was facing pressures from her peers, some of whom resorted to psychological bullying by trying to isolate her. The parents were moved and the family reconciled their differences. A short while later, ‘H’ wrote on Facebook giving tribute to her parents for supporting her in difficult times. She also promised to be truthful and always try to make them happy.
One month after starting the specific area of need, Mum happily reported that ‘H’ freely opens up to her on whatever problems she encounters in school. There was no longer friction between ‘H’ and her parents and they were happy to see her making progress.
Two months after attending to the ‘Primary Area of Need’, Mum reported that ‘H’ did better than expected in the national exams. She felt that the reconciliation made by the family had a part in her better than expected scores.
The SleepTalk® foundation phase had helped both parents and child to reinstate back the love and bridged the trust gap between them. The gap was further bridged by the end of the program with the successful disclosure of ‘H’s’ problems to her mother.
‘H’ was happy and reassured of her mother’s love for her, and for the parents, they were just happy that ‘H’ was back in the fold and behaved better and became more cooperative.”
Accredited Consultant: MFA – Singapore
Found her confidence again.
“The parents’ feedback is that they can see a substantial difference and ‘P’ is already about 60% more positive going to school. The biggest change seems to be the behaviour at school though, where the feedback is that ‘P’ has turned into a very lively student, when before the feedback has often been that she needs to speak up more.
The parents both feel the changes with ‘P’ and her feedback is now positive. She goes to her little brother when he cries telling him: “all feelings are ok!”
I loved the fact that mum was looking at the root cause of the effects. The result seems to prove us right. I am happy that ‘P’ found her confidence again.”
Past Consultant – Zurich
Talking again
I have met the mother and her little 5 years old daughter ‘C’ who is a happy little girl and has suddenly stopped speaking to anyone. This is unusual as she loves to talk a lot. It has happened after she got sick (winter sickness), in December.
Mum has started to worry about her daughter and she took her to her paediatrician for a consult. They have run lots of different tests and send her to a psychiatrist. Nothing has changed, and the Paediatrician referred the mother to me.
We have decided to apply the SleepTalk® Process. After 3 weeks, the mother has given me a call:
“I’m so sad, my daughter is still not talking…
Has there been any change“ I have asked?
No, she is just talking to her Teddy bear…”
I couldn’t stop myself to say loud: Hooray! She was not talking at all… This is amazing…. Suddenly the mother has realised what she just has said and started to cry with joy.
After 12 weeks with the process, little ‘C’ is talking again and is happier than ever.
I have met little ‘C’ dressed like a little princess in her beautiful dress. In the morning, she said to her mother before visiting me:
“Mummy I want to wear a dress as today is a happy day…”
Past trainer – Genève
Happy Little Girls Again.
“Feedback from mum and dad has been overwhelming; they are simply amazed and so happy that the girls are being “happy little girls”.
The girls have now started to play with each other a lot more and enjoy each other’s company.
Mum also discussed with me that there has been a whole shift within the family not just with the girls; mum is now enjoying waking up every morning to 2 beautifully happy children this just makes her day. Dad has now started calling mum cute names that she has not been called since they were married. Dad and Mum are also enjoying each other’s company a lot more …”
Sleeping Right Through
“Mum advised that she has been keeping up with the SleepTalk® Foundation statements still and that K has been sleeping right through the night again.
Grateful for this Gift
“Mum is rapt with this whole process. She is more than happy to continue and as other issues arise, implement further statements.
They are very grateful for this “gift” for their son and can see the benefits right in front of their eyes. The only question they have is: “why doesn’t every parent do this?”!
Even in school, the teacher mentioned the improvements.
“The mother began with The SleepTalk® Process and after a few weeks of the Foundation process, the bedwetting was less. After 3 months of SleepTalk® every night, their daughter was dry at night and during the day.
Also, her ability to speak and to count was improving a lot. She was calmer, more relaxed and just improving as a person. The parents are really happy & excited about the process and the big improvements! Even in school, the teacher mentioned the improvements. ”
More Confidence
“She told me that ‚F‘ is again more relaxed especially if he has to do his homework. He is happier working on his own and does not need so much help from the mother. So she is more relaxed and calmer. Things are better again, especially regarding eating sweets and with thumb sucking.
He is doing much better doing his homework, he is calmer at home, much less focused on mom, doing his work mostly without any help from her. Her impression is, he has more confidence in his own person. Mom is really happy, about everything.
Past Trainer
Confidence OK, Anger still work in progress.
“Our son is doing much better all-round, he is not crying so much, not freaking out so much, more confident in his studies as he is top of the class and he wants to go to a specific school.
His creativity has improved no end and he is suddenly NOT frightened of spiders and crane flies anymore! He is also more confident in training other kids in kick-boxing and his overall confidence has improved.
He will now go to shops on his own, he went down a huge Zip Wire at Go Ape much to his parents’ amazement. ‘E’ is much more affectionate and cuddles all the time.”
Past Consultant: – UK
No longer afraid of storms or the rain
“The end result was very positive in this case as ‘E’ no longer feared storms with the same intensity as she did 4 months ago. She no longer wakes when it rains or start to panic when grey clouds appear. This means she has become less anxious and her parents are also less anxious knowing everyone will be able to sleep even if it rains!
The extra energy she has now that she is no longer anxious has been put to good use with new gymnastics and swimming classes. ’E’ is also beginning to try new foods which previously she rejected by simply smelling them. The family are keen to use SleepTalk® in the future when different challenges arise.”
Became interested in Sport again
After 3 months of The SleepTalk® Process he became interested in sport, and his coordination and physical ability increased dramatically as did his speech. His ability to remain calm and deal with anger did not improve and his mother thought his eczema was causing him quite a lot of distress and anger and he would be scratching until he bled during the night.
After using the additional statement he is sleeping better and scratching less. He has also being mentally challenged at daycare as he moved into the kindergarten room which he enjoys and suffers less boredom. The family is keen to continue using the SleepTalk® Process in the future to work on his ability to remain calm.
No more biting and scratching her sister
Had a very positive result, her sleep improved by 90% and so did her ability to remain calm and deal with anger. She is very affectionate with all family members including her sister who previously was scratched and bitten by her daily.
She has also become completely toilet trained and dry at night. Speech was also an issue, so after introducing additional ‘specific’ suggestions, the educators commented at her daycare:
“She has really found her voice and become confident and outgoing”. The parents will continue to use the SleepTalk® Process-to help her navigate her way through future changes and make good choices.”
Past Consultant: Vic Australia
Click this link To See How And Why It Works.
Overcoming Trauma – Sleeping in his Own Bed.
“A young boy whose mother had committed suicide 5 months ago was having various challenges in his life. He stopped playing with other children and didn’t go outside unless his dad made him. He was unable to sleep in his own bed and generally was in a difficult place.
He expressed lots of anger and had tantrums on a daily basis. His relationship with his father was strained as his mother and father had separated a year before she took her life and dad was not living at home.
Within weeks of starting the SleepTalk® process, there were significant changes already visible. ‘H’ started to play with other children again. He started to go outside and enjoy playing in the yard, his relationship with his father changed almost completely – he started to show affection like never before and within a month was sleeping in his own bed.
He still has tantrums – though much less frequently – this will be something we focus on as we move forward with The SleepTalk®.Process”
Past Consultant: Ireland
Told she “Might” be on the spectrum – Now happy Little Girl
“Initially ‘J’ was just having problems at daycare. When the parents came to see me to learn The SleepTalk® Process they had just moved her to a new school. It had been suggested to the parents that they should take her to see a child psychologist, which they did and were then told that she ‘might’ be on the autistic spectrum.
At that time she was having significant challenges with anger and having uncontrollable tantrums. Mom and dad felt helpless and fearful that there might be something really wrong and were waiting on an appointment with an occupational therapist. While with the psychologist ‘J’ diagnosis was given to the parents while she was in the room!
Within the first two weeks of starting The SleepTalk® Process there was significant abreaction, the parents recall it definitely got worse before it got better. But this just lasted a few days. Something that we noticed happened with ‘J’ each time we introduced ‘any’ new suggestion to the process. And although we noticed feedback in the form of increased affection – especially with Mom and overall being happier we decided to continue the foundation process for almost two months before we moved to a primary area of need.
By the time we moved to the first primary area of need ‘J’ was already generally calmer and having less frequent tantrums. Her parents have done a wonderful job of being consistent and continuing the process, something that I have found to be one of the biggest challenges with parents after the first two months.
In the last year I have seen the parents six times and each time we add to or adjust our suggestions to help with a variety of issues. Today the parents, who have just had another child report that they feel if they had not found SleepTalk® their daughter would not be the normal, happy child she is today.”
Past Consultant: Ireland
Feeling Loved, Safe & Calm
“The mother by this point had been very satisfied with the progress of her child and the second phase of suggestions were given to her that included feeling loved, safe, and calm.
The mother continues to report improvements in her son’s behavior including lessened intensity of squabbles with the granddad, although she believes that is mostly the grandfather’s fault.
She was advised to have her parents join in on the SleepTalk® Process to accelerate results as well as possibly allow the relationship between CS and his grandfather to evolve”
His Anger & Anxiety Disappeared
His nail-biting had further improved and his anger issues had begun to subside, and he had also begun to recall his classwork more easily.
His anger and anxiety issues had reportedly disappeared, and his parents reported 55% improvement in socially acceptable behaviour, 85% improvement in nail-biting, and 70% improvement in stress levels reflected on parents.”
Click this link To See How And Why It Works.
An overall 50% improvement in her daughter’s case.
“On first follow up the mother had reported that their daughter had improved 15%. The mother had noticed two marked phases of calmness during the day. This calmness was apparent physically and emotionally and was apparent in the morning when she first woke up and again in the late afternoon. .
By the next follow up session the mother was reporting an overall 50% improvement in her daughter’s case. She had reported being calmer in general, having being involved in fewer fights with her siblings, and had even started to be able to work on her own doing her homework.
Her vocabulary had expanded further and she had learned to recognize the letter “B” in Arabic.
Past Intern: UAE
Quarrels have stopped.
“Very positive feedback again, parents are very content – all marks of ‘A’ are in the positive range now, eating habits changed greatly, he is much more sociable in kindergarten and basically peaceful at home, quarrels have stopped. ‘M’ shows further improvements too.
‘A’ has moved from a problematic and annoying behavior pattern to a much more sociable, more patient state in general. There has been lots of good feedback from the kindergarten staff and the relation between the two children has improved greatly. The process has changed their attitudes too towards the children – very healthy communication”.
Less frustration for Mum
“Very positive feedback again, the mother is very content – all marks of ‘B’ are in the positive range now. ‘B’ continues sports and is generally much calmer and with very good marks. ‘D’ shows further improvements too, though remains disinterested in sports and other activities, and her ability to remain calm changes up and down over time, despite a visible general increase in self-esteem. The mother has dropped significantly in doing the talks every night but intends to get back to it upon the results of this review.
Both kids have grown greatly in self-esteem, and their general feeling at home and school has improved significantly as well. The mother has grown enormously in self-esteem and the change is very visible. The relation of the 2 kids has improved visibly too, less frustration at home for the mother. ‘D’ still needs some attention but looking at the marks she is well on the way.
Past Consultant: Budapest
Attitude towards school improved
“After 12 weeks of the SleepTalk® Process- Foundation Stage!
- Mum noticed results after two weeks of the SleepTalk® process and the first observation was the increase in the confidence level where he became more approachable to try new things or new learning challenges believing in his own abilities!
- Soon his reading and writing improved dramatically along with his grades and he was awarded from school for the amount of reading he is doing!
- His ability to express himself improved slightly but he was able to make better sense using his mother tongue language!
- His attitude toward school improved and is more focused on the positive aspects of the teachers rather than their flaws as with his very high logic and reasoning cognitive skills. sometimes he was making more sense than his teachers!
The mother was so happy by his ability to remain calm and manage his anger very reasonably. She said that this has improved so much that the relationship with his brother and sister is getting so much better.! There is no more hair pulling at all which has stopped completely. Nail-biting is still on but at a very less frequency!
Consultant: NT – UAE
Given an award for best behaviour in school.
After 12 weeks of offering the SleepTalk® Foundation Stage! It was strictly followed every day by the mother and she recorded the voice of the father as he used to travel a lot.
Mum became so motivated with the process and the obvious changes for the whole 12 weeks.! Her son’s tantrums times and length kept getting shorter and more manageable. He was able to control his nerves and even started thinking positively and looking at the good side in situations.
He became more confident and not venerable to simple situations where he became so flexible and secure within. He was also able to speak up for himself and report situations where he needed to explain himself and his reactions and he was convincing and never lied.
His teachers started reporting significant changes and by the end of the year, he was given an award for best behaviour in school which left the mother thrilled!
The relationship with siblings softened gradually and now they are more understanding and tolerant of each other. The mother reported that he is even more empathetic with his older brother and sister!
The siblings’ relationship became much stronger as the communication between them got stronger and they were able to talk, set rules and follow them through and she is enjoying him outside everywhere even in the mall which used to be a great challenge!
Harmony was restored to the whole home and she felt much happier and reported that she felt her life has changed.
Past Consultant: UAE
His Ability to Stay Calm Improved
Although eating wasn’t a major concern, his eating habits showed obvious improvement. His motor skills have improved massively to the extent that the mother forgot there was this concern in the first place and when I drew her attention she answered that he walks perfectly well and I didn’t notice anything not normal anymore. His basketball coach is complicating his performance now and his ability to achieve goals in the game.
His study and homework time became no problem at all as the mother herself came more relaxed and was able to give choices and empathise with her son with the ability to choose her battles. He is doing his homework very well and that puts more confidence in the mother’s heart toward the capabilities of her son.
He became highly confident in class, reporting bullying cases and no more acting out in class. Teachers also commented that he is now a happy child. His ability to stay calm becomes more sustained and he manages very well to control his anger after a very short period of time. His relationship with his parents became stronger and empathetic and his relationship with his little sister is full of lots of playtime.
The parents also reported stronger bonding with their son, who has starting to express himself more frequently rather than being so introverted and they were glad to talk about emotions and feelings rather than avoiding them.
Past Consultant: UAE
His Effort in School is Improving
“My son is much better – he is stronger in himself and is beginning to show an increase in his self-belief. I have spoken to his teachers and we are noticing his effort at school improving.
I have done a simple improvement check on one of the SleepTalk® forms and there is a marked increase in all areas. My wife and I will be adding in some additional suggestions.”
Consultant: PD – UK 2009
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Out of Pull-Ups Finally
When speaking with the mum at her second visit she was thrilled with the results. She said that he had had fewer aggressive instances and the times when he had lost his temper he was quick to regain control and each outburst was much shorter-lived. His behaviour at school had improved and the mum hadn’t been called in to see the headmaster at all.
She said that they had attended a parents’ evening at school where his new teacher had said to them “the boy I thought was going to walk through those doors never did”! The teacher asked them if anything had changed at home or if they knew why this might be the case, so they mentioned The Process – SleepTalk® and the teacher was very interested to learn more!
One behavior that had changed, without the mother even realising it, is that previously to doing The SleepTalk® Process he would wake EVERY night, after about an hour, soaked through with sweat.
So the mum would need to change his pajama top and bed sheet. However, she realised during our second meeting that this had not happened for a long time, which she felt must be a direct result of the process.
The area that the parents wished to work on was to get ‘J’ out of night-time pull-ups and therefore being able to stay dry throughout the night. They felt that his behaviour had improved considerably and felt confident that the foundation statements were addressing this issue.”
Accredited Consultant: Rachel Packard – UK
Profound Effect on the Family
“I have been working with client #1, a mama and a little girl, 8 years old that is the only child in the family. The mother has been very consistent and reliable doing the foundation statements, even when they were camping and on summer vacation. All is going well and she has had excellent results.
With this self-confidence, she soared and truly began to see herself and her daughter through the eyes of unconditional love. A very beautiful experience! This has had a profound effect on the family relationship and spoke of being much happier in a day-to-day way.
And even though the father/husband has not actively participated. The mother/wife has informed him of what she was attempting then doing and invited him to participate when he was ready.
The interesting thing is there has been a positive change for him too. In general, he has been more understanding and helpful. And I feel this is his true nature revealing itself passively.”
Past Consultant: USA
Feeling Like He Belongs
“I love this process, it is easy and builds better connections with my boys. My son is now more positive about eating some other things (but still prefers chips). I need more work in this area, but it’s a big improvement.
He is feeling like he belongs in his new 4yr old kinder program now and has met some new friends. Have had big improvements with boys wanting to go to dads overnight and they even like his new partner. Overall, very happy with the process.”
Improvements Within the Family Dynamic
“I love that she (mother) goes in each night to give my children positive messages. I can see improvements within the family dynamic.
My children stopped wetting the bed, and my daughter wakes very happily and will re-settle in the night in her own bed if she wakes.
My son is also improving in personal confidence, but still lacking in social confidence. We will continue.”
Past Consultant: Victoria. Australia
Calmer Home
Mum is happy with the process and its effects on her too. Calmer home, generally and a calmer, less agitated ‘R’ at home. He is sleeping through the night with less need of being comforted and ‘aides’ to go to sleep, a huge improvement.
The upshot for mum was that ‘R’ is still having angry outbursts/reacting before thinking (but not nearly as often or as long-lasting) & still some ticking going on.
Accredited Consultant: Lucia Dapos – Vic
Less Nervous & Less Highly Strung
“She has stopped biting her nails! Her nails seem to be actually growing now! Mum is so stunned. L’ has an overall improvement in most things. Generally, she’s less nervous and less ‘highly strung’.
Still overreacts to things at home, but calms much quicker after. ‘L’ had stopped saying “why does dad hate me?” which shocked me a bit – and it goes to show that the need for attention and that constant anxiety is with her at home. so will continue with the process.
Accredited Consultant: Lucia Dapos – Vic
He Now Listens
“He is MUCH calmer and listening better. I decided it was time to add the bridging statement to the foundation statement. They were going overseas on holiday for 18 nights, so I thought she could start now. (Mum delivered the process most nights while away, even on the plane!!)
She reported, when they got back, that the kids got along quite well and they all had a good time away together. And also, on return, ‘T’ and his dad started bike riding more often and enjoying each other in this space. He’s not as blinkered in his thinking now – listens to alternatives/advice/queries regarding what he has chosen to do, and takes these things into consideration, whereas previously, he would not have even listened.
Less dogmatic. All of ‘T’s’ reactions are less dramatic and he is definitely stopping & listening. More relaxed, less rigid. Big decrease in his fear of the dark and being alone.
Stopped biting his toe-nails (!! she didn’t mention toenails in the initial interview, just fingernails) completely. But a decrease of fingernail biting maybe 20% – still a huge improvement!
Accredited Consultant: Lucia Dapos – Vic – 2019
More Successful with Learning
According to Mom, it was enough to use the basic sentences. She is already happy with the positive changes. The child is more successful in learning, more patient with his associates and family members, more persistent and more relaxed than before. The vibe at home is calmer and Mom also feels more relaxed.
After three months I saw both, mothers and children being more relaxed and patient. Also, his siblings’ attitude has changed and the parents became more positive and hopeful regarding the effectiveness of The SleepTalk®.
My opinion is when the parents are more positive and more active regarding the process, it becomes more effective in generating positive changes.
Past Consultant – Hungary
Family Atmosphere is More Harmonious & Relaxed
The end result: the 7 years old child is calmer and more balanced. He rarely wet his bed a night and sleeps through the night. When he loses it now, he doesn’t wet himself anymore, only shouts out angrily and that’s it.
During the past 3 months, the mother has been persistently using the instructions she has received. I observed that all the children as well as the mom are more relaxed, and the family atmosphere is more harmonious and relaxed.
Speech Clearer & More Relaxed
According to Mom’s feedback, the 6 years old girl doesn’t have to have her planed otitis media (ear) operation. The parents hoped they can avoid that as from the beginning of applying the process, the girl’s condition was constantly improving and now she is free of inflation and any other symptoms. Her speech is also clearer and she is more confident and relaxed.
My conclusion: Spending quality time together is crucially important for the healthy physical, mental and emotional development of our children. If the parents are able to provide it with full commitment, then the child will be able to experience all the joy life can offer with its full extend.
Past Consultant: Hungary
His Anxiety Levels Have Reduced
“J’ overall energy has increased. He is more vibrant in the mornings and wants to come and spend time with me. He is more receptive and calmer. His anxiety levels have reduced and the environment at home is also much better.
Mother ‘S’ has said: ‘J’ agitation and aggression is so much lesser. He makes more of an effort to talk and started using words that he didn’t earlier. Also, he is very well-tuned to his environment now. He has also grasped the ability to work independently.
When she went for a psychologist check-up she was told he doesn’t have Autism but now is on Asperger’s spectrum as he was getting better and better.”
Past Consultant – India
I Was Stunned & Had Tears in my Eyes
“AM’s energy has increased in the mornings. He doesn’t dread the routine he has to follow during the day. His interest and confidence in reading and writing has gone up. Also one morning after 2 months of doing SleepTalk® he woke up and said that he loves me. I was stunned and had tears in my eyes.
AM was initially very edgy and cranky for a week. But, I had faith that like the last time this will work too. After a week to 10 days of the statement settling in he became less paranoid of himself and what everyone did. We had a relaxed child at home. His teachers said that he was smiling in the classroom and answering more questions. I am relieved.
Mother “N” has said “AM” always tries to do things on his own and first tries to reach out himself. If he fails, he asks for help. His teachers are very happy with him as he is doing work on his electronic pad up to his potential. “N” feels more accomplished as a mother and feels that now she has sealed the bond of love with “AM”.
Developing Confidence & Calmness
“We are delighted with the calmness and self-assurance ‘A’ has, she spontaneously chats about her dreams and goals and is very “natural” in her communication and less guarded about what people think of her. It is wonderful to see this young lady blossom and follow her passion without being timid and concerned of what others may think.”
Emotional benefit to both Mum & Dad
“A Skype consultation was held with the mother and the final progress identifier form completed. Mum noticed a difference in ‘N’ if she misses sleep talk due to a sleepover; she notices a small change in the “calmness of his being”
Mother would like to continue the process with her children as she has found it a beautiful and beneficial evening ritual and has also found the process of great emotional benefit to herself and her husband.
Happy To Now Try New Things
“Parents of ‘N’ state she has absolutely blossomed during the process over the past 4 months, her confidence has grown exponentially and she was just awarded a prize in a public speaking school competition, something her parents are quite astounded and thrilled with.
She actively engages in conversation around the dinner table and happily shares her opinions and thoughts. Her family is thrilled with the confidence she has displayed and she has been interacting well with her school friends and peers and taking great interest in school activities and happy to try new things. She has had a significant decrease in timidity and less nervous.
Parents have enjoyed the process and feel that there is no doubt that the process has been very beneficial for their daughter. They would like to continue the statement often as they all feel the benefit.”
Past Consultant – HongKong
Now They Laugh & Play Together
“Within 2 weeks Mum acknowledges that there is a lighter mood and more openness in the household. She hears them laughing and playing together where have been more segregated in the past.
She finds herself saying the words during the day as well. It is ‘calming and soothing’ to her as well. When ‘R’ has a meltdown or other family disturbance, mum finds herself reacting differently, which is lessening the length/severity of the issue. By 6 weeks. ‘R’ is sleeping through the night. Day-care indicates they “wish they had 20 more like her”.
Started Her Own Nutrition Plan
“Mum sates that: ‘L’ is starting to show “phenomenal change – really excel”. She made the honour roll at school which “she has never done in her life”. She ran for an office on the student council and was determined to start working out with a personal trainer to enhance her volleyball success. She stared a nutrition plan, losing 5 lbs. Mum notes that there have actually been “remarkable changes with both girls”.
L’s change has been dramatic, she is very driven to take extra steps to make the varsity team. Grades in school are now all A’s and B’s. She made the National Honour Society, where she has never made the honour roll in the past. Mum states she made comments that she was “stupid”; now she makes comments that she knows that she is smart. Her “confidence is out the roof!”
She drives her own sleep schedule and makes her own decisions. ‘L’ broke up with a boy that she didn’t feel was truly interested in her prior to homecoming and went with her friends instead. Mum felt this was a remarkable stand in confidence, whereas prior she would have tended to ‘go along’.”
Past Consultant– USA
Sleeping in their own beds
“ Mum sent me an email update saying that all three children were now falling asleep in their own beds and that they didn’t need their parents sitting in their bedrooms whilst they fell asleep”.
Turned their lives around
“ Parents have shared that ‘N’ has settled much more at kindergarten now and has enjoyed a number of different trips and activities out-of-house recently too.
She has started swimming and is really enjoying the lessons, and her dance class has also restarted and ‘N’ seems happy to meet all the new children. Both parents feel SleepTalk has been an amazing tool that has empowered them to turn their lives around, and they intend to continue indefinitely!”
Past Consultant – Denmark
Positive Changes in Behaviour
“The parent has managed to overcome her biggest barrier, which is the physical contact with other people. In order to see a better result from SleepTalk®, timing and consistency is very important.
By doing The SleepTalk® Process, it doesn’t mean that it can solve all problems but you can see the improvement of certain behaviour. (eg: Sibling rivalry). The child has become more open to new people and a new environment.
Focus span has improved positive affirmations in the day time and bite-size sandwich is vital to see an impact.
Accept the Father Leaving for Work
Improvement in learning ability and more loving towards people around and has stop the nail-biting and skin tearing issues. He deals with separation anxiety better now and can accept the father leaving him for work.
Sibling rivalry has also improved and the younger daughter is more understanding and negotiable.
Past Consultant – Singapore
More Calm
The mother notices that he tends to wake up with a smiley face and calmer. She also notices that her sleep quality is getting better and his energy level is improving. Not only this, but he also becomes more responsive and tends to be more loving toward his sibling. He is easier to accept the suggestion and less argument with his mother.
Past Consultant – Malaysia
No More Mischievous Behaviour Seeking Attention
After doing the Foundation script of The SleepTalk® Process for more than 6 weeks, the mother has noticed that ‘WX’ has improved in terms of her attitude. She is the middle child, so she tends to complain that the mother doesn’t love her and always behave mischievously to get attention (Either bad or good attention).
After 6 weeks of SleepTalk®, mother noticed that she becomes more obedient; no more do any mischievous behaviour to seek attention. Not only this, but she also tends to more loving to her siblings and her anxiety level reduced to a manageable level. After doing a more specific SleepTalk® process tailored made suggestion script, the improvement on ‘WX’ is more significant.
She starts to voice out her opinion in school and more confidence in herself. Now she has the courage to take part in the competition and she has more confidence in handling the exam.
She used to have performance anxiety symptoms when facing an exam, but after SleepTalk® process, her anxiety level towards the exam was significantly reduced. She learned that she can wish to get the best result but it is not a must to get the best result in order to be a successful person.
She learned to tolerate stress and her stress tolerance level has improved significantly. The mother does for both of them in the same room. She chooses to read it silently just right beside their ear, and she found this is more powerful than just read it out loud for all the kids who share the same room.
Past Consultant – Malaysia
Meal Times are Calmer
“Mum reports that ‘E’ is giving more kisses and cuddles and is generally much more affectionate. She will continue with the Foundation script for the time being and we will consider adding a supporting statement if and when it is deemed to be necessary.
I saw mum again in August. ‘E’ has continued to progress in most areas. She is still a little anxious at times and mum still has concerns about her eating. Mealtimes are calmer but mum is still worried about ‘E’s weight.
(She looks fine to me. I think perhaps mum is worrying unnecessarily. Mum has been doing SleepTalk consistently and I felt it was a good time to introduce a support statement to address anxiety and self-esteem issues she still has.
She is more than happy with SleepTalk®. She feels that ‘E’ is less anxious, calmer and that her self-esteem has improved. She will continue with the process
No Nightmares for Over a Month
“Mum was really happy with both ‘C’s and ‘Z’s progress. ‘C’ has not had nightmares for a couple of months now and no worries with phobia either. ‘Z’ has been really good and has been sleeping for the most part in his own bed with occasional nights in bed with his sister.
Both parents are very happy with the whole process and will continue with SleepTalk.
Past Consultant – Qld Australia
Adapting to New Situations
I found the SleepTalk™ process a beautiful one. It gives me the opportunity to reflect daily on what matters most; unconditional love. Over the months, I found myself much more accepting of ‘H’s imperfections.
In the past, I was very anxious about his lack of desire to help others or lack of interest in social activities. Today, I see him positively challenging himself to experience and adapt to new situations. I now feel secure watching him move forward into the next chapter of his life.
This experience has certainly made me more confident in sharing SleepTalk™ with others. Thank you for bringing light into so many families!
Parents Feedback: Singapore
Feels Strong and Happy Today
“The parents reported that ‘A’ had improved in physical ability and her approach to kindergarten. She is taking more risks and attempting tasks that in the past may have been too overwhelming.
Although still some anxiety but seems to be working on herself to overcome it. It takes a great deal of effort but now she can do it. She is calmer; some of her fears are no longer a factor and Mum cannot recall her grinding her teeth at all recently.
The new baby arrived a week after our meeting, and Mum said that while it has been a little difficult, they have been doing SleepTalk® whenever possible – both siblings.
Feedback from this family has been delightful. ‘A’ has told her mum at kindergarten that she feels “strong and happy today”!
Past Consultant: Australia
Not Afraid of Meeting New People Anymore
J’ is now not so afraid of meeting new people, willing to listen and share more and engaged in more activities. The parent appreciated the help the process had offered her and her family.
Her Skin is Improving – Less Rashes Now
‘K’ was happier and interacted more. Her skin problem is improving. Less rashes now. ‘K’ is now not so afraid of meeting new people, willing to listen and share more and engage in more activities. The parents appreciated what have done to their daughter and the whole family.
Wakes Up in a Better Mood
Mum is generally very pleased with the signs of progress of ‘A’ in the past few weeks since the SleepTalk® Process was introduced. She sees his behavior changing in the right direction. She believes it is a combination of different factors, Mum reports:
1) She enjoys very much the experience and it became a good habit for her. Generally, she has been very consistent since the beginning.
2) ‘A’ wakes up in the morning in a better mood, not grumpy like before.
3) He’s more comfortable in school and doesn’t complain about it anymore.
Accredited Consultant: Maguelonne Rousseau – Singapore
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The first phase of our process can be learnt direct from our Books, E-books, Parental Streaming Course or one of our Foundation Coaches.
The more advance phases are supported by our Fully Qualified Professional Interns, Consultants or International Trainers.
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Mum is Excited
Mum is generally pleased with the signs of progress of ‘L’ in the past few weeks since the SleepTalk® process was introduced. The process has been implemented correctly and consistently by parents, Mum reports:
1) Even though behaviour is better, she still feels that he lacks empathy towards family and friends and is generally worried about his social behaviour, especially now he’s going to enter primary school.
2) He seems to take frustration and anger a bit better but showed few times signs of being more vengeful (instead of hitting a friend or brother straight away, can control him-self more often but then keep some resentment that shows later).
3) Mum is also doing the process consistent with the little brother since the beginning.
Change of attitude regarding his behaviour and positive attitude. Mum is excited to soon start the specific suggestions!
Accredited Consultant: Maguelonne Rousseau – Singapore
Positive Changes in Confidence
Mother has seen improvement in ‘S’s interactions in school, managing more self-care on his own and reaching out to peers for help when needed.
Past Consultant: Singapore
Communicate Better
Within two weeks of commencing SleepTalk® ‘C’ behaviour had improved greatly.
A month in, novel situations or change of routine still made ‘C’ anxious but Mum felt there had been improvements overall and she was recovering more quickly. By three months ‘C’ was still experiencing anxiety but was able to communicate it better and overcome it quickly.
So ‘C’ was still reacting to moments that created anxiety for her but not as strong and her recovery time had been shortened. She was also able to articulate to her parents what was upsetting her. A much less reactive child than when we started the SleepTalk® Process.”
Past Consultant: Marian Daish – Victoria
Confidence Heading into Puberty
“‘J’ has exhibited some excellent improvements and some outstanding breakthroughs not just at school, but in his home environment as well. I do believe a lot of it was related to his lack of confidence and lack of belief in self and now it seems he has come forward in leaps and bounds. The subsequent reclassification showed a definite improvement.
Thank you so much for bringing such a beautiful gift and tool into the world. . It truly does create miracles in the lives of children and their parents.
Past Consultant: Victoria
Thank You for Giving me Back my Sweet Little Boy
“ What can I say, thank you, thank you, thank you – for giving me back my sweet little boy.
His behaviour has done a complete turnaround. He has gone from being the trouble maker at school to telling the trouble makers how to be good and looking out for the kids who are getting led astray and getting them to go play somewhere else. Last term of school he has been coming home happy instead of teary and emotional.
He always wants to help me eg: Bringing shopping in from the car, clear the dishes from the table, etc… He is controlling his anger. He will say to me: “I feel angry mum and I want to have a play by myself”, or “I don’t feel like talking”; therefore we don’t have too many angry days anymore.
He will walk up to me at any time and give me a cuddle and a kiss and walk away and continue on with what he is doing. He is now always prepared to try something he hasn’t done before (this time last year he would not even try).
His confidence has improved 100%. His speech and communication has also improved. He hardly stutters anymore, that was a nervous habit. He still has some trouble with crowds and noise.
Places like shopping centers, but he tells me now when we are out. He will say something like: “It is getting too noisy. I want to go home”. Overall he is a happy and confident little boy.”
Past Consultant: Victoria
Slow but Steady Progress
“Since the introduction of the SleepTalk® Process ‘H’ has had some great progress. The progress has been slow and steady however overall he has made quite a few changes since SleepTalk® was introduced.
He has started to become more verbal and is more easily able to express himself. His outbursts have reduced and he has become a lot more aware of things, more affectionate and his speech and ability to communicate has really progressed.
Past Consultant: NSW
Has a Much Better Outlook on Life
“Parents feedback: ‘J’ is a delightful young boy and SleepTalk® has made a significant change to his general demeanour. He seems much happier, light and calm.
He has a much better outlook on life and calmness has taken over his whole body which means that he is now more open, cooperative and happier to consider alternative ways of being.
He is also developing a can-do attitude which is a great contrast to his previous can’t do or too difficult attitude. His comprehension has also improved considerably as a result of his calmer demeanour.
The SleepTalk® Process has been beneficial to both children but also to the family as a whole. It seems to have really brought the whole family closer together in ways that the family did not believe was required nor possible.
It has enriched everyone’s lives and the family is planning to continue SleepTalk® with both children for many years to come.”
Asking to Do More Homework
“It was great to see that ‘N’ had made improvements over the last 6 weeks. The parents noted that particularly the negative self-talk had reduced and that ‘N’ was much better at homework now that school has gone back, in fact, he was now asking to do homework.
Working alone is still an issue and I reminded the parent that ‘N’ now has more skills and they may need to give him the opportunity to use some of them rather than continue to scaffold him to such a great extent. The parent agreed that this was probably the case and said he would try giving him some tasks to complete on his own whilst loosely supervising him.
The parent noted an improvement in ‘N’ gross and fine motor skills and there was improvement in his core strength. His concentration has also improved and this was assisting in his ability to do his schoolwork and homework and he has also been more spontaneous showing affection to his parents. His anger was also improving, and his self-esteem had also improved. The primary area of need for ‘N’ was around managing his anger and associated emotions. His parents expect to continue on with the process for some time yet as they feel that we can make some great progress over the next few months and years.
Past Consultant: NSW
Much Happier Child
“The parents were committed to the program. They wanted to help their child and in turn, discovered ways they too could change. There is ongoing work, but massive changes have taken place in a short time.
There is no more mention of dying or death by their son, and he wakes as a happier child. He is coping with life much better. I believe the regular weekly support in the early stages of The SleepTalk® Process helped the mother as much as it did their son.”
Past Consultant & Trainer: Qld
Waking Nightmares No More
“The end results of the SleepTalk® means that ‘L’ has no more nightmares, just a bit of moaning & groaning, nothing to wake him. So, on the mind profile questionnaire, there has been a ‘Physical’ improved of 90 -95%, and in the ‘Academic’, an improvement of 20% has been noticed.
His ‘Behaviour’ is usually very good but an improvement of 10% has been noted and in the ‘Emotional’ section, a 90 – 95% improvement has been noted. In the ‘Home’, the parent feels an overall improvement of 60 – 70 % has been achieved in this short time frame.”
Past Consultant: – NZ
Way More Co-operative
“The mother was amazed at the instant response from the first night of using The SleepTalk® Process – Foundation Script. Her feedback comments revealed: ‘L’ had stopped moaning about foods, doesn’t argue about reading & is better at going to school.
He is up by 7 am every day, way more co-operative (we have only had one argument). Has had a full night’s sleep (he was being awakened by growing pains) and his attitude has changed, he is happier and is not yelling anymore.
He is Now a Cute Little Boy
L’ is doing his reading with no whining and not trying to ruin everyone’s lives. He is not so much the boss, he tries to help rather than be the boss. He now handles it well when his younger cousin steals his toys. ‘L’ used to scream going down the hallway [fear] now he is ok with it and even closes his own door.
Past Consultant NZ
“Thank you so much. ‘L’ has changed so much. His reading and writing is getting a lot better. He is sleeping well but still seems very tired. this is natural as he has just really started school.”
His ‘Physical’ improvement is 90%, ‘Academic’ shows an 80-85% improvement, his ‘Behaviour’ is a marked excellent and mum gives it a 100% improvement. His ‘Emotional’ assessment has an 85% improvement noted and ‘Home’ they feel there is an overall improvement of 95 % which has been achieved in this short time frame, and mum is amazed and so very happy that she across the Goulding Process – SleepTalk® Programme.
Past Consultant: NZ
Sleeping and Eating Issues
“Both concerns of sleeping habits and eating habits were improved and mum is happy with the results. In addition, she has also learned new parenting skills to encourage and engage her child in a different way, which is the reason for her initial visit.
SleepTalk® is a “Gift” which lasts a lifetime. Whatever that she has done during the foundation stage stays in the mind of her little one.”
Past Consultant: Singapore
No More Tantrums Over Maths
“The mother reports that there has been a significant overall improvement for ‘Y’. He is showing more life in his day to day activities. His Maths have improved, he is better at managing his stress from schoolwork without throwing temper at doing difficult Maths.
There is an improvement in his confidence regarding Study and he has proved to himself that he can do better. Being able to overcome his carelessness at study has helped to boost his confidence in it. However, his writing has declined by 15% but this is due to the new demands at school as they have started writing compositions and he is adjusting to this new demand.
He has stopped nail-biting totally and his day to day happiness has improved by 50%. He is seemingly happier and was able to remain calm and control his emotions, particularly his anger better. His ability to work alone: Improved by 40%. He is learning to do his homework/spelling without supervision.
He is also able to play on his own and take interest in reading his books on his own. His behaviour towards Parents has improved by 30%. There is less tension over school work and he is now more willing to listen and learn when I teach or guide him through certain issues.
I realised that not only his behaviour is now better towards me, I feel that I no longer get angry with him as often as in the past. We are now able to talk things out.
The end results: I am very pleased with the results. During this short span of 6 months, with SleepTalk® many of my pressing concerns were resolved.
Namely nail-biting, carelessness with schoolwork, improving focus or concentration at school, being able to sit still at the dining table to finish his meals. My son is now not only able to finish all his food during mealtime, he is able to finish his meal with lesser time.”
Past Consultant: – Singapore
No Longer Hates School
“Parents are over the moon with the results, in the last couple of weeks ‘B’ has only soiled him-self a few times and has started asking them if he should go to the toilet. He has shown improvements in basically every area of life.
Some of the most significant improvements are in the areas of his eating habits, ability to deal with group pressure, ability to deal with issues and anger. His self-esteem has improved; he is much more confident and no longer hates school.
They are very happy with the result and if things continue the way they are they have resolved what initially brought them to me.”
Past Consultant – Qld
Internal Strength to Cope with Life’s Daily Stresses
“My 10-year-old son has Autism and he is highly anxious. You have helped us with SleepTalk®, a program to provide my son with an internal peace and strength to cope with life’s daily stresses.
For kids with Autism, these typical stresses are magnified and almost unbearable over many contexts. We began with a child who was constantly afraid, fragile, and often violent and in a flight/fight mode.
As the program has progressed months later, we have a child who is content, will in to adapt, more self-confident, more self-secure and most importantly, happy. I would highly recommend this program as it has benefited the entire family. We are all in a good place! Thank you.”
Past Consultant – Qld
Happy to Eat by Herself
“Father is much involved with the children. While he agreed with the mother that they need to do something with their daughter, he didn’t participate in The SleepTalk® Process at all (and not open to a recording).
‘S’ responded well to SleepTalk® and at check-in at the 1-week mark, Mom was feeling comfortable with doing the Goulding Process – SleepTalk®. Although she sometimes falls asleep with the kids, then does the process later when she wakes up to move to her own bed.
So she’s probably not getting into the optimal brain-wave frequency every time, nevertheless, I encouraged her to continue every night consistently, even if it is not at the usual time.
At 5 weeks, Mom reported that ‘S’, seemed happier and less anxious day-to-day and at the 8-week mark, Mom reported that ‘S’ stood up in front of the class and volunteered to do a 2-sentence presentation she had prepared with mom at home on what she wanted to be when she grew up. She also participated in school Christmas play with a speaking line.
‘S’ came home from school and told mom “I didn’t cry in school all day today”. Mom was ecstatic. She also reported that ‘S’ is starting to take more responsibility for getting ready in the mornings.
At 10 weeks: ‘S’ said: “Mommy, I eat myself” S. picked up her spoon during dinner and started feeding herself for the first time! During the re-assessment, there were improvements and the biggest improvements were in the Emotional category, relating to anxiety, fears, self-esteem and ability to deal with emotions.
Past Consultant. Canada
Overcoming Sibling Rivalry
“The parent feedback: ‘P’ is the younger of 2 siblings. Her older brother and her had some sibling rivalry issues prior to starting SleepTalk®, with ‘P’ displaying more of the jealousy and attention-seeking at times when she thought she was being “left out”.
After the first few weeks of starting the Foundation Stage, this behaviour has disappeared. At the same time her parents were very surprised at the growing affection she was showing to both of them, but at times also to others in the family.
Her relationship with her brother has noticeably improved, and she is also gaining confidence in entering preschool this year.
Past Consultant:
Sibling Rivalry
‘C’ wakes up quietly now without any anger. He is calmer in the mornings and getting ready for school is becoming easier for all of the family. He is learning to use self-control and walking away when his brother upsets him.”
“Consultant feedback: Mum was excited by the results she had achieved and wanted to move on to include the next support suggestion. Mum reported that it had positive results.
‘C’s biggest achievement was to attend a crowded soccer break up and went by himself to get a book of vouchers that was required to get his meals and treats. Mum said this would never have happened before and she was so proud of his achievement. ‘C’ also attended the school fair and happily went off with his big brother to go on rides.
Mum feels that ‘C’s level of anxiety in group situations has reduced greatly and that ‘C’s happier to go to school and keen to share his achievements big or small with the family. He is also confidently speaking on the phone now and going up to shopkeepers and asking for what he wants. The family is still working with ‘C’ to give eye contact.”
It is wonderful to see ‘C’ becoming more confident within him. Accredited Consultant: MP – 2010 Vic
Sibling Rivalry
I feel that Mum saw such a change in her other child using this process that she became more excited about using it with ‘F’ as she saw the rewards his sibling was achieving.
Both Mum and I feel that her husband really needs to spend time administering the suggestions to ‘F’ to have a positive effect on their relationship. Mum felt confident in applying the process to ‘F’ without my assistance so we worked on two more suggestions that she would use when she felt it was time.
Past Consultant: MP – Vic
More Affectionate with her Father
“Attempting something for the first time, I was nervous to begin the process, especially as it takes me forever to get ‘L’ to sleep. The thought of waking the child was a huge concern.
It took me a couple of nights to get into the regular pattern of remembering to administer the foundation process and skill is required to understand and judge when ‘L’ was in the correct brain wave frequency. I found that ‘L’ would give a little sigh and I could begin. I only touch her forehead and stroke her if I have been out and she is in a very deep sleep.
I found that within the first week of starting the process ‘L’ was more affectionate to her father, hugging him and saying I love you. I found that after working with the foundation process for a week if ‘L’ woke at night I would enter the room and using my calm reassuring voice I would recite the statements. She would instantly settle back down to sleep.
I was using the script during the day with ‘L’ choosing appropriate times and using them in context to what was happening around us. I often hear ‘L’ saying: “Today is a happy day”.
After about a month of using the foundation process, I started saying the words to ‘L’ at night before she would go to sleep. One day she said, “Stop Mummy it’s my turn.” And she changed the wording herself to use the foundation stage on me. WOW, I thought what an impact this has had on her. This reinforced to me just how important it is to give our children continual positive reinforcement.”
SleepTalk® Mum – Vic
What children say:
“The fairies talk to me at night and they tell me they love me.
They sound just like my Mum”
“I know you love me because you tell me so at night Daddy”
“Mum will you say those nice things to me again tonight”?
The first phase of our process can be learnt direct from our Books, E-books, Parental Streaming Course or one of our Foundation Coaches.
The more advance phases are supported by our Fully Qualified Consultants and Trainers.
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Please note, only authentic SleepTalk® trainers, consultants and foundation coaches are listed on the Goulding Institute’s International Register and have therefore undertaken stringent training, professional development to ensure currency protocols and accreditation.